Big City Living at Home*
I’m not sure how many days you’re into your social distancing/isolating but we’re only on day 4 and things already feel hard. I’m fighting the urge to nap all the time because it feels like the fastest way to pass time! Of course being at home alone with an 8 year old means it’s not the most practical thing to be doing. Thankfully during the week we have home schooling to keep us busy or I’m sure I’d find all the days merging into one. The new norm of social distancing has probably come as a bit of a shock for people. Especially extroverts with busy social lives. For them…
Home Schooling as a Non-Home Schooling Parent*
It’s a strange time we’re living in. Never has any event in the world shut down schools like what is happening right now. I don’t want to go into it all on my blog as lets face it, it’s consuming our every waking moment. But instead I’ve been wanting to put together a post about something a lot of us have never even considered doing but now we’re going to have to attempt with our children off for the “foreseeable future.” Yes, I’m talking about home schooling, or more accurately, distance learning. I have to admit there have been times i’ve considered home schooling my daughter, but with only one…
The Carry On That Best Matches My Louis Vuitton Bag*
Once you reach adulthood it can often feel like you don’t really get a lot out of life. You have further education as you train for a job. Then you work at that job often 40+ plus a week. The rest of the time you have to cram in sleeping, socialising and eating. Maybe you’ll get a holiday or two a year. You buy a house, have a family.. and that’s when you really stop doing anything for you (believe me, I know). So sometimes you just need to make an extravagant purchase to make all that hard work worth while, and for some people that purchase may be a…
Love Notes for Mothers Day with Boots*
When you are a mother, you are never really alone in your thoughts. A mother always has to think twice, once for herself and once for her child. – Sophia Loren I’m turning 32 just the week before Mother’s Day 2020 and I feel so blessed to still have my mother around. I moved home shortly after I became a mother myself and to this day, she remains a very big part of my life. As I navigate parenthood alone, I know I can cope because I had a great role model. My mother took 6 years out of work to raise my sister and I, she gave us a…
What is Multi Car Insurance and Do I Need It?*
There is no denying that you need car insurance in order to be able to drive legally on UK roads; but what you may not realise it that there are ways to keep the costs of car insurance down and save yourself some money. It’s important to ensure you have a good provider like One Sure Insurance. This is particularly true if you have more than one car in your household; as this means that you are eligible for multi-car insurance. But what is multi-car insurance and is it something that you are going to need? The basics of multi-car insurance As the name suggests, multi-car insurance is a policy…
Nice Ideas For Your Small Bathroom*
There are numerous things that can go wrong with your bathroom. Problem becomes even bigger if you have limited space at your disposal. Unlike other rooms, where we can improvise in case of an accident or emergency, there is no way we can adapt to having a broken toilet bowl or a non-working bathtub. However, small bathrooms do not pose a problem only in terms of functionality. They can also feel very stuffed, disabling passage to a user. If that wasn’t enough, there is also question of interior design. Unlike other spacious rooms, where you can experiment as much as you want, tinny bathroom are really hard to decorate. So…