5 Things to Remember About Living in Rented Accommodation*
This year sees 10 years since I moved out of my parent’s house and although in that time I have lived in university accommodation, for the most part I’ve lived in rented properties. I don’t come from a background where my parents were able to help me pulled together the money for the deposit to own a place of my own, and I’ve only ever had a job where I can basically afford the rent and utilities with nothing spare to save so for the foreseeable future, I will continue to live in places that are rented.
Here are 5 things I’ve learnt about living in rented accommodation over the last 10 years;
1. Your House Is Never Your Own
No matter how much you paint the walls, lay new carpets, install new bathrooms, the house isn’t yours and if your landlord wishes to sell or even move back into the house ultimately that’s their decision and you know what? It sucks. So before you throw thousands of pounds on doing up a rented house, please remember this might never be your forever home!
2. Always Ask Permission
In the same vein, always remember to ask for permission from your landlord before you change anything. They might have the walls all painted a certain colour because they know it’s easier to rent out that way, if you paint a room blue they can ask you to change it back before you move out which is costly. Remember to also ask before you get any pets, move in someone or have someone move out. Your landlord has the right to know of any and all big changes.
3. Read the Tenancy Agreement
You’d think this one was a bit of a no brainer but so many people don’t read the tenancy agreement before they sign, or any legally binding document for that matter. When my ex and I split up despite moving out we both had to continue to pay until someone was found to replace us, because it was in the tenancy agreement. The landlord will lay out the rules for both parties and some of them may not be to your liking but if you sign before you read then there isn’t much you can do.
4. House Inspections are a Thing (and they suck)
My least favourite thing about living in a rented property are the housing inspections. You can never just be left to live quietly. I remember in one apartment there was a strict no pets rule yet we bought gerbils and had to give them to a friend for a day while we had our inspection.
5. But At Least Your Landlord Takes Care of the Expensive Things
The toilet broke? You’ve lost some roof titles? The Garden fence blew over? Don’t worry, your landlord is more than likely responsible for that. Yes, your tenancy agreement is there to protect you! Anything that was at the house before you arrive or is part of the house your landlord will have to maintain which is great if the place comes furnished because lets face it, appliances are that cheap!
Although this all seems like it’s hard work being a tenant, being a landlord can just be hard especially if you get tenants that won’t pay or cooperate so it’s great to see that HomeLet offer landlord insurance. They’ve also put together this great infographic;