
3 Ways Dating at 50 Differs to Dating In Your 20s*

Dating at any age can feel like a daunting experience. The idea of getting to know someone and letting them know every part of you can be terrifying especially after a bad break up, but imagine trying to do that at the age of 50. In some ways, dating at 50 is more freeing than at 20. When I was in my early 20s I was desperate to find someone to create a h0me with, to have a family with and spend the rest of my life with. As i’ve gotten older, I don’t feel it’s as important. I have a home, I have a kid, I have a job. If I met someone, it would be because we’re compatible and enjoy each others company and I imagine that’s even more so the main reason for dating at 50. But it can also be terrifying. You might not look as good as you were in your 20s. You might have emotional baggage from a divorce or even something like losing someone close to you. In the end you need to think, “to heck with it” and put yourself out there. If you want someone to share your life with be you 50, 60 or even older, then you should go for it! Thankfully there are websites out there like, to give you a hand.

So to get you ready to enter back into the world of dating later on in life, here are 3 ways that dating at 50 differs from dating at 20.


You’ll Probably Be A Lot More Picky
Lets face it, at 50 you’re probably not going to be picking up “Mr Slick” from the nightclub because he looked good under those fluorescent lights. In fact, you’re probably not going to be picking up anyone from anywhere. You might organically meet someone at work, or at a hobby club, but most over 50s dating meet a new partner online. Why? Because you can stand to be picky. I’m not talking on a swipe left/swipe right app, which a lot of younger people use for a fling. I’m talking about the websites where you can make real connections, with someone you have things in common with. You can set the time line and you can have the power when it comes to making your decisions about dating.

You Don’t Need to Have The Conversation About Kids
Lets face it, the vast majority of people dating over the age of 50, won’t need to have the conversation about whether or not they’re having kids with their new partner. Yes, they might have to have a conversation about kids they have, but there won’t be the make or break discussion about having children together. By 50, the majority of people are well over that chapter, in fact at 50, my parents were getting ready to become grandparents for the first time. For younger couples this can often be a conversation that decides where your relationship is going, and sometimes it even becomes a bitter pill to swallow if you aren’t on the same page.

You Accept Everyone Has Baggage
I’m in my 30s now, and this is even something I have accepted and is completely different from when I first started dating (unfortunately few men of the same age feel the same way). So at 50, you’d be wrong to think you’ll ever find someone who doesn’t have baggage. Everyone has dated, most will have been married and divorced or lost a partner. A fair amount will have kids. Some will have debts and made bad life choices. The important thing is how that person is coping with their baggage, and if you can cope with their baggage too (and vice versa). The older you get you want to be with someone who will help make your load lighter, and your life happier, and for you to do the same with them.



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