GUEST – Pure Ethanol: Manufacturing and Usage*
A report says that the hand sanitizer market size amounts to $59.3 million in 2022. That huge revenue is because of that product’s use in combating the coronavirus pandemic.
Pure ethanol is the critical ingredient in manufacturing sanitizers. And below, you’ll find out how companies manufacture the solvent and other ways you can use it.
How is Pure Ethanol Manufactured?
There are two principal ways of making alcohol.
The first one involves the fermentation of grains, barley, potatoes, sorghum, beet, or sugarcane using yeast cells and lactobacilli. And the second involves ethene hydration with sulfuric acid as the catalyst.
Companies then use the solvent for many industrial processes. Therefore, you’ll find that the major markets using ethanol include alcoholic beverage companies, the chemical industry, and energy carriers manufacturing gasoline.
How is Pure Ethanol Used in the Household?
Making Sprays
Fragrance manufacturers make ethanol-based perfumes, deodorants, and sprays. The solvent increases the evaporation rate of cologne as your skin warms it. Consequently, that mechanism allows the release of the fragrance evenly over the surface for a well-rounded and long-lasting scent.
Most people use alcohol as a cleaning agent. Therefore, the solvent is suitable for removing stains on car windshields, glass, plastics, and chrome. The process behind that effect is that ethanol readily dissolves both polar and non-polar impurities, such as oil, ink, and dust.
Food Additive
Wine manufacturing companies use ethanol as a food additive in their products. The distillers use alcohol to speed up the grape fermentation process, thus ensuring the wine is ready as scheduled. Consequently, those drinks are tasty because of the high residual sugar content.
Food Preservative
Bakers also use ethanol as a food preservative. That benefit is possible through alcohol’s antimicrobial and anti-staling properties. Moreover, you can also use the solvent to fuel your stove, thus boiling your meals to prevent microbes from multiplying and spoiling food.
Making Alcoholic Drinks
Alcohol beverage manufacturers make consumable alcohol by distilling the solvent from agricultural raw materials. Therefore, you get brandy that contains ethanol plus aromas, water, fusel oils, and other organic compounds. Further distillation makes the drink differ in taste and character, hence getting products such as rum or whiskey.
How is Pure Ethanol Used in Medicine?
Experts recommend using 50-80% alcohol as a disinfectant or antiseptic. The solvent kills micro-organisms through its high osmotic pressure and denaturation of the bacterial cell wall.
And through that effect, the germ cells lose their rigidity, absorb water uncontrollably, thus causing their death. Therefore, you can use alcohol to clean your hospital equipment without worrying about rust damage because the liquid evaporates fast.
Cleaning Wounds
An ethanol and iodine mixture helps in cleaning wounds. Some physicians also add potassium iodide to the alcohol and iodine mixture for prevention and early intervention (PEI) therapy for sclerosing thyroid nodules and hepatocellular carcinoma.
Drug Manufacturing
Pharmacists use alcohol to preserve and stabilize liquid herbal medicine. Patients, therefore, recover quickly because the body absorbs the drug faster and in higher amounts.
Manufacturing Sanitizers
Research shows that ethanol is an effective microbial killer. Manufacturers, therefore, use the solvent to stop disease spread. For example, recently experts have applied the solvent in controlling the coronavirus.
How is Pure Ethanol Used in Gasoline Manufacturing?
Fuel companies make the E10 oil from 90% gasoline and 10% alcohol. The solvent oxygenates the fuel effectively by providing premium blending qualities and anti-knocking properties that enhance drivability. Additionally, flexible-fuel cars also reduce air pollution.
How is Pure Ethanol Used in Making Beauty Products
Cosmetic manufacturers make hair sprays, lotions, and creams using ethanol. For example, the solvent helps maintain the integrity of lotion ingredients and helps hairspray stick to hair strands for an extended period.
Moreover, alcohol helps you maintain smooth skin when it prevents microbial growth in your products. And when you use the liquid as an astringent, you’ll get tighter, cleaner, and smoother skin.
How is Pure Ethanol Used in Making Carpentry Products?
Woodworkers use ethanol to get a smooth finish on tables, chairs, and other wood items. And they get that effect by mixing lacquers, varnishes, and paint thinners with the solvent. However, they use the denatured (ethanol with methanol, benzene, pyridine) alcohol.
Ethanol is a colorless solvent with diverse industrial uses. And apart from the solvent’s reputation as a beverage to help you wind down, people prefer the liquid for its antimicrobial effects.
Therefore, you’ll find beauty, food, and pharmaceutical companies using alcohol in their products. Moreover, fuel companies use ethanol and gasoline mixture to improve their car’s efficiency and reduce air pollution.
Use alcohol in a well-ventilated area and away from flames because the liquid is highly flammable.
About the auhor: Nikolay Stoyanov is the CEO of the Denver-based CBD Advertising Agency. His SEO company has been helping CBD brands scale their online presence using state of the art SEO and content marketing services.