5 Things To Do Before You Monetise Your Social Media*
This lockdown has been a great reminder just how lucky I am to be able to work from home. Although I have seen a reduction in work as a lot of the companies I work for as a self employed writer and content creater aren’t deemed as essential, I have still been able to work! This isn’t a case for a lot of people and for that, I’m blessed. It seems that people are really consuming influencer content during this lockdown and that’s where I’m continuing to earn.
Although to make enough money to live a comfortable life while working in this field I do have to pick up as many jobs as possible. It is do-able, especially if you make yourself a jack of all trades. Write efficiently, take good photos, curate social media content and offer flexibility, you will find the work.
Don’t expect it to happen over night. Yes, there are a few overnight success stories, but the likelihood of it happening to you is low. But if you are willing to put the work in, you can monetise your social media. Here are a few weeks to get you started;
Do Your Research
Before you get started, you really need to know what you’re getting into. As I mentioned above, it’s something you need to put work into to reap the rewards. It is worth it but it’s a long game, not something that happens in an instant. Do you research into what digital marketing is. Join a network such as Intellifluence. This will help you and it is full of fantastic contents to get to grips what monetising your social media is all about.
Find a Niche
For a long time I didn’t realise that having a niche plays a part in social media algorithms and growing your account. I just posted what I wanted and followed who I want. But now I know sticking to one or two niches is beneficial. Once you feel your account is big enough and growing a decent rate you can have more free reign in what you post but until then, stay in your lane.
Curate Your Feed
This is especially important if you use Instagram as your platform. Instagram is an aesthetic platform so curating a feed that looks good and catches the eye is so important. Some people opt to use set filters that enhance certain colours and make their grid flows. Personally I love to have a bright sunny feed but I like to align things by threes (the length of the grid) so the colours need to compliment each other.
Be Interactive
People will not follow someone who comes across better than them. Post videos sharing your life. Reply to comments and follow similar accounts to yours. Don’t fall into the trap of doing a follow train and definitely don’t slide into DMs and as “follow for follow.” If you use unnatural means to grow your account it will show in your organic traffic and less brands will want to work with you.
Stick At It
My biggest tip is stick at it. Sometimes growing social media can be really disheartening. Since lockdown started I swear I lose more followers than gain them. This is because my content is quite stagnant being stuck in the house. But I still post. I try different things. I know the algorithm will shift in my favour one day soon and I’ll still be there. Don’t give up, don’t be deceitful. Believe me, it’s worth it!