7 Helpful Tips For The Best Family Travel*
With summer coming, you might be thinking of having a holiday with your family. If traveling happens to be in your itinerary, you’re in luck, as this post will give all the awesome tips to make the most out of your family travel. Traveling with your entire family can be overwhelming no matter how many times you’ve done it. It is also relatively expensive. Close to 83% of families are known to splurge more when planning a holiday. But even so, it’s better to be prepared adequately for such instances. Preparing and knowing what to expect right from the moment you leave your home are the most important things you…
The Best Ways to Support Your Child in Their Hobbies*
As I mentioned in my post about getting kids outside, our children have had it rough the last two years. It felt like their childhood was completely on hold, while they were growing up faster than usual because they were having to deal with adult problems. As we start to move out the other end of the pandemic, it’s time to encourage kids and teens to put themselves back out there and find something they really love. Clubs and societies are reopening and my daughter wants to do everything. In the last year she’s taken up the violin, completed her grade one in ballet, joined the netball, tag rugby teams…
5 Ways To Get Your Kids Outside This Year*
While the pandemic isn’t over, all restrictions have finally been lifted and now for the vast majority of us, it’s time to start embracing life again, especially if we have kids. For the last two years kids have been yoyo-ing between what they can and can’t do, and they also spent a lot of time being stuck indoors not really being “kids” especially not with other kids. But with Spring just around the corner, that will then roll into summer, it’s time to start thinking about ways to get your kids back outdoors for both life experience, and exercise to help them grow and stay healthy. Some kids have developed…
3 Things To Think About Before Starting Your Garden Transformation*
While it might not currently feel it, as far as the calendar and the daffodils are concerned, Spring is on it’s way. It’s almost Mother’s Day which always feels like a Spring Holiday and the clocks are changing, again a sign of Spring. Because of this, many of us are looking to tackling our gardens and starting to work on getting them summer ready. Here in the UK we endured a lot of terrible storms, specifically strong winds like we haven’t seen in decades. Myself, like many around the country, have taken some substantial damage to their garden. I lost all my fences, front and back, plus some little fencing…
Using Direct.Me For Easy Navigation To What Matters*
There is no denying there are key benefits to linking all your social media accounts together and doing cross promotion. Heck, even big businesses do it these days by doing giveaways across multiple platforms and sharing exclusive content. But sometimes it can be difficult to have all your points of contact and accounts in one place. Especially when you have to slightly tweak handles due to someone else having what you want. But, there is an answer, someway to make it easier to keep all your links together and means you only need to share one main link, and that is Direct.me. Direct.Me is an online platform in itself. It’s…
Learning About Free Stuff Online*
Would you like to learn about free stuff on the Internet? Most people would. If you are able to get anything for free, it should motivate you to find out how you can do this. Believe it or not, it’s not that hard to figure out. The Internet makes it very easy. You can find so many freebie websites online you will literally have hundreds if not thousands of things to choose from that you can get for free. Here’s a quick overview of what is available, how to find the sites, and how you can start signing up right away. Different Things For Free Online There are many different…