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5 Effective Ways To Save Money On Your Water Bills*

When it comes to natural resources, water is probably wasted the most, as it’s available in plenty and is also quite affordable. According to some resources, the US citizens waste about 50% of the water they use in their gardens and yards, owing to faulty sprinkler systems and improper irrigation. This also increases the monthly water bill, especially if you have acres of landscaped gardens and lawns that require regular maintenance. 

Sometimes, changing a few habits like overwatering or installing a new irrigation system can make a huge difference to your water conservation endeavors and cut down water bills. If you wish to know how to stop paying a hefty amount every month on your water bill, follow the suggestions given below:

Check for leaks in the irrigation system
If your water bills have increased drastically, you may be experiencing a leak in the irrigation system. These leaks, which may be caused by tree roots, mowers or just the age of the pipes, may waste more than 200 gallons of water in 15 minutes. 

If you have one, you should get in touch with the experts to find the leak and fix it. They will also tell you if the system needs to be replaced with a new, more improved one. 

Proper zoning is essential while landscaping
The entire area of your landscape should be zoned properly to reduce water waste and enhance optimum growth. You can talk to landscape irrigation experts at www.hydrodynamicscorp.com to know how zoning irrigation areas based on the microclimates like sunlight, shade and wind exposure, can help you conserve water. Zoning also helps meet the individual needs of each plant species. 

Get smart irrigation controllers installed
The smart irrigation controllers are gaining huge popularity in commercial landscaping, because of their ability to conserve water without compromising on the quality of your landscape. Years ago, the smart controllers were highly expensive but now, they are available at reasonable prices, thus encouraging widespread domestic use. 

Create a schedule for watering the plants
You should create a proper schedule for watering the plants and stick to it without fail. Further, you should water your plants in the early hours of the morning or late at night to reduce water loss by evaporation. Lastly, you need to make sure that the water reaches the roots and doesn’t accumulate on the leaves.

Select your plants carefully
If you have a large and spacious garden or front yard, you can go for plants that can survive drought to save water. White fir, yucca, sage among others can withstand drought, thus requiring less water. It’s best if you can consult a landscape design specialist to understand which plants will do well in your yard.

Wrapping it up
If you’re currently troubled by your water bills, you can take the necessary steps to reduce water loss and ensure that each drop is used wisely. You can consult a landscape irrigation specialist to understand how you can conserve more water in your gardens and lawns and see if you need any replacement. 

Further, you should adopt a fixed schedule for watering the plants and ensure that the water reaches the roots. With careful planning and proper investment, you can resolve your water bill issues to a great extent. 

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