Small Design Techniques at Home That Make a Big Impact*
Doesn’t it feel amazing when you finally get your own home that you can really put your mark on? If like me you’ve probably lived in rented accommodation for a while where you sometimes aren’t even allowed to move furniture let alone paint the walls! When I first moved into my current home 4 years ago and had free reign on decorating and furnishing it I was over joyed. Although it was an expensive process, for the first time ever it really felt like my home. Over the years I’ve picked up a few design techniques that can really make a big impact when decorating.
A Brighter Room is a Bigger Room
Although when you buy a house you might look into getting fitted bedrooms or kitchen that really work to make the most out of the space you have, this might not be within your budget. Instead make the room as bright as possible and this gives the illusion of size. Little Miss has quite a small room and I found by painting the walls white it really opens it up. Another trick is to use a mirror. This adds depth to the room and is commonly used in small sitting rooms to make them feel larger, although personally I like the cosy feeling, I understand it’s not for everyone.
Pick a Colour Scheme
To add a show home look pick a colour scheme. Again, this isn’t to everyone’s taste but as I have slight OCD tendencies when it comes matching (clothes, shopping in the same bags etc) this is something I have fully embraced. My kitchen is pine, white and teal, my lounge is brown, white and pale green, bathroom is pink, white and grey and although Little Miss doesn’t have a colour scheme, she does have a theme which is Peter Pan. A colour scheme or theme to a room can really pull everything together.
Bring the Outside In
By this I mean fresh flowers and potted plants. Fresh flowers can really brighten up any room especially if they contrast with the colour scheme. I love pink roses in the sitting room, or sunflowers in the kitchen as the colours really work well with the room. Opt to grow herbs along the kitchen window if you want something more useful, great for cooking with and the smell of them growing is fantastic.
Add Small Personal Touches
It’s so easy to get caught up in the whole “show room” look and although I do like everything co-ordinating I also like the house to feel lived in. Add layers with blankets, throws and rugs. Hang personal photos on the wall in matching frames. Display your knick knacks but try to avoid making surfaces cluttered. Remember that although you might want your home to be “instagram” worth, you do live in it and you want to feel comfortable. You don’t need to go over board to do this.
It’s amazing what small changes can really make a big impact on your room, from 99p flowers to a new bedspread. It doesn’t have to break the bank.