
How CBD Products Differ From the Competition*

Cannabidiol, more commonly referred to as CBD, comes in a wide range of products, perhaps most commonly in edibles, oils, and tinctures, but topical CBD products have become increasingly popular in recent years as they can provide localized relief for multiple conditions while benefiting the health and appearance of the skin. They come in lotions, creams, balms, salves, oils, and more, delivering multiple benefits in just one product.

It’s great to know an ingredient such as CBD is used in a variety of ways these days and in ways it can help improve the standard of living of so many. Over the years there have been legal battles fought to ensure this could happen, and I hope to see CBD continue to be more widely used.

An April 2020 survey found that of all CBD products, U.S. respondents were more interested in CBD lotions and balms than any other, with CBD Gummies falling in just slightly behind. If you haven’t tried topical CBD products yet you’re probably wondering what makes them different from their non-CBD competition.


The endocannabinoid system is one of the most important physiologic systems in the body for establishing and maintaining health. Endocannabinoids and their receptors can be found throughout the body, in organs, tissues, glands, the brain, and immune cells. The skin even has its own endocannabinoid system that works to keep the skin healthy. While there are different tasks that it’s responsible for, the goal is always the same, homeostasis, which is the maintenance of a stable internal environment, despite any fluctuations in an external environment.

As the root cause of most skin conditions is an imbalance, by adding CBD to a product, it can help keep everything balanced to improve skin health. CBD is believed to play a role in hydration, containing antioxidants like vitamin E while also delivering anti-inflammatory effects, which means when you buy CBD beauty products in the form of a lotion, you’re getting a potentially more effective product as compared to competitive lotions without CBD for issues like dry skin and certain inflammatory skin disorders.

Arthritis Cream

Swollen joints from arthritis are not only painful, they can limit your ability to move. You might have already tried over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen and/or other non-CBD creams, but there are also CBD creams that can help address the pain of arthritis. Simply applying a cream topically like you would a lotion, gets directly to the source of the pain. CBD has been found to absorb well into the skin making it ideal for topical treatments, with one recent study showing that 21 percent of patients who used CBD topically noted that they experienced relief that included pain reduction. Most research on CBD has suggested that the primary benefit it offers is the reduction of inflammation that triggers arthritis pain.

Acne Products

CBD is well-known for helping to fight inflammation that’s linked to the swelling and redness of acne. While there are plenty of other products out there on the market, when a CBD product is applied, it can help slow down the action of endogenous cannabinoids to clear up acne by adjusting the way the body produces sebum. It provides a strong antibacterial effect to eliminate acne-causing bacteria along with the powerful anti-inflammatory effects to reduce increased levels of inflammation. CBD products for acne often contain other ingredients that are amazing for the skin which means you’ll be enjoying multiple benefits in one.

Massage oil

CBD massage oils can make a big difference in pain relief. When used in a massage they’re ideal for those who suffer from chronic pain with the cannabinoids helping to reduce inflammation with soothing the muscles. Whether you’re suffering from back pain, arthritis, or any other type of chronic pain, you’ll reap many more benefits with CBD massage oils as compared to standard massage oils, with the effects often felt within just minutes and lasting for hours afterward.

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