How to Strike a Balance between Business and Being a Mom*
As if motherhood itself weren’t demanding enough, being an entrepreneur while fulfilling the responsibilities of being a mom has got to be one of the hardest jobs on the planet. Raising children is not just something you can take on fifty-fifty. It requires your full attention and most of your energy. However, the demands of life leave a lot of moms with no choice but to weave their careers into an already-hectic mommy schedule. How are these moms managing the pressure? What practical tips can you adopt to ensure balance between business and motherhood? Delegate Tasks Here’s one good advice: you don’t always have to do it on your own.…
Young Girls In Sport*
We regularly hear experts commending the role that sport plays for young people, particularly as the UK has hit a devastating record for childhood obesity. However, according to the charity Women in Sport, 1.5 million fewer women and girls enjoy the physical, social and health benefits of sport and physical exercise than men. I have teamed up with the Director of Sport at a co-educational preparatory school for children aged 2-13 years, to provide some insight into how the school is addressing this national issue and why sport is so important for girls from an early age. Win at winning, be gracious in defeat Participating in sport encourages girls to be competitive…
Your Menstrual Cycle and Fertility: The Link*
If you’re trying to get pregnant, then every piece of data, information and insight could be valuable. You are fertile for a surprisingly short time each month, and you need to know when that time is, what causes it and when it’ll happen next for you if you want to boost your chances of conceiving. It’s all about the menstrual cycle – to say you are fertile for a short time once a month isn’t quite true: you are fertile for a span of days in each menstrual cycle. On average the cycle lasts 28 days, but anything for 21 days to 35 is considered normal for adults. Teenagers can…
Home Schooling as a Non-Home Schooling Parent*
It’s a strange time we’re living in. Never has any event in the world shut down schools like what is happening right now. I don’t want to go into it all on my blog as lets face it, it’s consuming our every waking moment. But instead I’ve been wanting to put together a post about something a lot of us have never even considered doing but now we’re going to have to attempt with our children off for the “foreseeable future.” Yes, I’m talking about home schooling, or more accurately, distance learning. I have to admit there have been times i’ve considered home schooling my daughter, but with only one…
Love Notes for Mothers Day with Boots*
When you are a mother, you are never really alone in your thoughts. A mother always has to think twice, once for herself and once for her child. – Sophia Loren I’m turning 32 just the week before Mother’s Day 2020 and I feel so blessed to still have my mother around. I moved home shortly after I became a mother myself and to this day, she remains a very big part of my life. As I navigate parenthood alone, I know I can cope because I had a great role model. My mother took 6 years out of work to raise my sister and I, she gave us a…
Finding Childcare with*
Deciding to become a parent is a big decision. Yes, sometimes it happens and the choice is already made but for a lot of couples the decision isn’t something they take likely. Having a child is expensive. I know, I’ve been a parent for 8 years now. A lot of couples take this into consideration. They look at their incomes, what they’ve saved and where they are in their lives before they decide whether they could afford a kid. And unfortunately, one of the biggest expenses with a kid is the childcare. It’s funny how the time you aren’t spending with your child ends up being the most expensive time…