3 Ways to Promote Oral Care with Children*
When you move from brushing your child’s teeth for them to encouraging them to brush their own, you’re always in for a bit of a battle, especially if your child is Little Miss Independent like mine is. Growing up I was constantly told how important oral care is, and unfortunately I ended up having a bad experience with my dentist (he’s since been struck off and can no longer practice) which ultimately ruined my smile forever. At the moment it’s not affecting my self confidence too much, but one day should I have a bit more spare cash, I’d definitely consider seeking professional help. In the mean time there is no way I’m having that happen to LM so I have been brushing hers day and night since the first one popped through. But now I’m starting to hand over the toothbrush to her, which has meant fun ways to encourage her to clean for longer than a second.
So here are some ways I recommend trying to get your child to brush their own teeth properly!
Let Them Choose Their Own Tooth Brush
When LM was ready to graduate to a brush for toddler teeth I took her into a store and let her pick one. This has become a ritual we do everytime she needs a new toothbrush. There are so many fun ones on the market, like this Batman one from Colgate. This is a great first battery power toothbrush, perfect for children aged 3 and up. I loved how soft the bristles are, great for little teeth especially when combined with the correct toothpaste for LM’s age.
Pick a Motivational Poster for the Bathroom
Being a single mum and having free run in decorating has definitely had it’s plus points. On our bathroom wall we have a framed poster citing “Even Cinderella Brushes Her Teeth” which is a happy reminder to LM that if she wants to grow up to be a princess she has to remember to brush her teeth. I got it on Etsy when I first moved house and it’s worked like a charm. There are loads of different ones available on Etsy to appeal to both girls and boys. It also creates a positive oral health environment, and that’s important to encourge from a young age.
Lead by Example
I try my hardest to always brush my teeth at the same time as Little Miss. If she sees me doing it she’s more inclined to do it herself. I line the two brushes up with tooth paste on and I let her wet both of them under the tap before we stand and clean. Once I’m done I clean hers to ensure she didn’t miss anywhere before I rinse with mouthwash. She loves standing beside me at the sink. This way because I’m brushing my teeth I never forget to remind her to do her own.
Getting kids to brush their teeth doesn’t need to be a chore, now tackling them with a dental appointment, that’s a whole other thing!