5 Things to Do While You Wait for You Baby to Arrive*
It’s crazy to think that seven years ago I was five months pregnant with Little Miss, how time flies! It wasn’t a great time for me so I don’t really remember that much about being pregnant and the first year of her life so yes, part of me wishes I could have a re-do. Although it seems like I probably won’t have any more, it’s nice to be able to talk to other expectant mothers and pass on any usable knowledge I have from my own experience.
Looking back, those 9 months flew and in comparison to my whole life they were just a drop in the ocean, but at the time they honestly felt like they were lasting forever. So here are 5 things you could do while waiting for your baby to arrive.
Buy everything you need, and probably don’t need, before the baby arrives. My ex was a bit of a menace when it came to baby shopping so low and behold, she arrived and we didn’t have everything we needed. I have a horrific memory of hobbling into Mothercare with a 2 week early baby trying to balance everything I didn’t have on my pushchair. It was awful and I cried in the shop. I wouldn’t wish that on anyone. Yes, you might end up over prepared but with a baby over prepared is better than under prepared, especially in that first month when all you want to do is snuggle under a blanket with your precious bundle of joy.
Book in for an Extra Scan
This is something I wish I did. Unless you’re having a higher risk pregnancy you’ll only be offered two scans on the NHS, one at 12 weeks and one at 20 weeks. That’s the only two times you’ll see your baby. At 20 weeks they can try and tell you what it is, and they can get it wrong still even that far along, I was told I was having a boy, and as you all know, I have a daughter. Find somewhere that offers a private baby scan, it’s honestly the best money you’ll spend.
Go on Holiday
DO IT! Whether you go abroad or you just go for a few days of TLC at your parents, just take time out. Once you’re a parent taking time out becomes virtually impossible. I’m almost 7 years down the line and I never get to take time out. Now LM is doing like a million after school clubs it’s like having a baby again that requires all your time to be doing something for them. Once that baby arrives you’ll never only have yourself to think about again. So embrace it one last time.
Decorate the Nursery
When you’re pregnant one of the best things you can do is get the room ready for your little one. Again, this is something else I missed out on but I do love seeing photos of people I know doing up the baby’s room. Picking out special art for the walls, selecting the crib and building it up. It’s a way to bond with your baby before they even arrive. I didn’t get to give LM a real nursery until she was nearly 2! It was worth the wait though.
Spend time with your Friends
Finally, spend time with you friends. This is especially important if they’re not parents themselves. I’ve lost a lot of friends over the years since LM arrived because they couldn’t wrap their head around the fact she is my number one priority. They couldn’t understand how I couldn’t justify spending crazy money on visiting them, or nights out on the town in a brand new outfit from Topshop just wasn’t a thing any more. You will have a few friends who will stick around but the sad reality is that becoming a parent really shows you who your real friends are. So enjoy those last few months where your friends can feel like number one. Go for lunch, meet for coffee, having them over for sleep overs. Remind them that you love them but when that little one arrives, things are going to change.
If you’re pregnant at the moment and feel like time is dragging, remember it’s only a drop in the ocean compared to spending the rest of your life as a parent. In 7 years you’ll look back and wonder why you didn’t cram in more to those last 9 months before your life completely changed (for the better, I promise you!)