A Day in the Life, June 2015
So I missed out on April & May as far as a day in the life posts are concerned, but I’m back and I’ve made a note to do it. I’m super sad I was really wanting to do a day while we were in Florida! Maybe in September eh? This was another week day, another Wednesday actually but I’ve tried to photograph different things despite the routine being fairly similar!
It’s another week day. Week days fall into two categories on how they play out, if LM is at pre-school in the morning we’re out the house by 8:40 and usually don’t return until 5pm. But this was a day where she didn’t start until the afternoon. So after breakfast I do all the housework, both upstairs and down. I wash up, I do a load of washing, I put away the washing from the previous day, I make beds, clean the bathroom and sometimes hoover all while LM amuses herself. Then I dress her, then myself followed by make up. After that is blog photos, sometimes it’s an outfit post like this day, other times it’s products or photos for a general post. By then I’m making lunch. This day it was beautiful so we ate outside. We leave for pre-school about 12:45 and as I don’t drive, we walk. As this was a Wednesday after I’ve dropped LM off I go let my mum’s cat out. I used to have a coffee for an hour but as I’m on this health kick I go for an ice lolly. Then I walk to meet my mum at work before we head to the grocery store. It’s one of the few times a week I get to spend alone with my mum so we take our time. After grocery shopping my mum and I have a coffee, but this week I had a try at making a chai ice latte as it means less calories. Then I collect LM from pre-school, help my mum with dinner which we eat and then head back to our house for some mummy, Little Miss and Elsa time before bed. After LM is in bed at 7pm I work until 9/10 (got to make some money at some point!) Then I call it a night and head to my room to remove make up and watch something on my iPad.