Planning a Fun Filled Spring with a Child *
It only seems like five minutes since I was talking about my plans for the Christmas break and here we are inching ever closer to Easter. I always look forward to the school holidays despite the fact my daughter is only two, more so because my mum and best friend get time off work. Due to money being tight at the moment i’m already trying to budget for some fun activities to do with Little Miss to make Easter time seem more special, as when children are young they’re yet to understand what they are actually celebrating and besides, as i’m not religious I see Easter more as a celebration of Spring.
Anyway, I thought I’d share with you all today, as I know a fair few of my readers are parents themselves, the ideas I have so far for some fun Spring activities to do over Easter, just in case someone needs some inspiration!
I know a lot of parents (myself included) aren’t over joyed at the prospect of sticking and gluing, or even painting with a small child, as it adds to the mess that already comes with a child! But you can buy these amazing wipe clean “messy” mats that keep the mess to a minimum and you’ll be able to teach your child that paint and pens are for paper not the floor. Little Miss currently has one under her easel mainly to catch chalk dust but I plan on putting it under the table when we attempt to make our own Easter cards over the weekend. You don’t even need to spend much, I bought most of Little Miss’ crafting bits from Home Bargains and Tesco, you can get really adorable make and do kits for less than a pound! I treated her to a make your own tiara and wand kit.
A Trip to the Farm
Spring is probably the best time to visit a farm. Where we live there are quite a few scattered around and although I’m not HUGELY fond of farm animals I do want to take Little Miss. Most farms these days that are open to the public boast play parks, cafes as well as talks and tours. Plenty to keep your little one busy. And if the weather is nice enough you could even risk taking a picnic. If like me you are unable to drive, there are plenty of other ways, you could check your bus time tables or even try booking a taxi? Some taxi firms if you pre-book a taxi offer a small discount
Easter Egg Hunt
A great idea for indoors or out over the Easter weekend is to set up an Easter Egg Hunt for your little one. Your can either play it on who collects the most eggs, which is definitely one more suited to the outdoors where your child can make less while rummaging around. Or you could lay it out as a treasure trail, setting out clues around your house to find the treasure of Easter eggs. This one would be much more suited to older children who can read or if it’s raining outside. You can even buy little plastic eggs that you could place each clue in
Playing Outside
Finally, a simple and pretty much cost free idea, playing outdoors. After a very long winter cooped up your child (if they are anything like mine) will be craving a new scene. In the Spring it’s the perfect opportunity to dig the bikes, slides and see-saws out, give them a wipe down and set them up in the garden. Open your back door and let your little one roam in their water proofs and wellies. Although my daughter hates being dirty, she loves the same to run and play outside. She loves walking her doll up and down the path and playing on her slide. If your child is older why not spend the Easter holiday teaching your child to ride a bike? Or learn to roller skate? Why not go on a nature trail? Like with the farm, the Spring is such an interesting time in nature. These ideas are great if you don’t have a garden.
Of course I’m lucky that I have all the time in the world to spend with my daughter at this moment in time but even just laying out a blanket on the floor and offering to eat dinner as a picnic in the lounge while you watch a movie really will put a huge smile on your Little Ones face, and that’s all that matters.
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One Comment
Leona of Oh! Leona.
You are going to have the most fun spring ever… and possibly the messiest yet!x