Hacks for Surviving a Long Haul Flight with a Small Child*
In 50 days I’ll be embarking on my forth long haul flight to Walt Disney World with a child under 5 as a single parent. The first time I flew long haul (also the second time I flew with Little Miss) she was barely three. She turned three at the end of January and we flew the beginning of April. I know I had people tell me I was crazy, that I’d regret it when people were giving me “that look” when she couldn’t settle or ended up bored an hour in. Guess what? It never happened. In fact, as of yet it’s still never happened. Two of our flights haven’t even been direct and I’m still standing and still ready to take her on another long haul flight by myself.
So today I’m sharing my hacks for surviving a long haul flight with a small child. These are things I’ve picked up meaning each flight is actually easier than the last. I’m sure they don’t work on all children as every kid is different and I am blessed to have a kid with a fair temperament but you never know, you may find something that makes your life a little easier on the next flight.
Make Sure You Book The Kids Meals
Pretty much all long haul flights come with a complimentary meal but they nearly all require you to select that option before you fly. I didn’t realise this the first time I booked a fight myself (and not through an agency) and when the food came around Little Miss didn’t have the kids friendly option. It’s not that you get a toy, the food just generally looks more appealing to a child and therefore they’ll eat it. Because of the fuss she ended up getting upset and didn’t want to eat anything and it took a while to coax her into a few crackers from both our trays and some crisps I had in my bag. It was hard going and because of that I meticulously check that her option is ticked for a child’s meal when I check in online now.
Make Sure You Have Kid Friendly Snacks (if your child won’t eat the meal provided)
There is nothing that will make your kid more cranky than when they’re hungry. Lets face it, even we get “hangry” so if you don’t think your kid will eat the meal provided, make sure you have something that they will eat! Once you’re through security you can pick up food, snacks and drinks that you can take on the plane that don’t need to be checked so stock up. I usually grab some extra fruit, crisps and sweets from the shops in the terminal, as well as a large bottle of water for us to share.
Get Some Child Size Headphones
The headphones they provide on the planes are not made for small heads which can cause some problems when trying to watch the screen on the back of the chair. My daughter loves that she can watch things on her own personal screen, there is always a great selection for the kids, but if the head phones don’t fit, well it’s not much use! We picked up some kids headphones from Sports Direct for £9.99. They’re also great if you’re bringing an ipad as I’m sure fellow passengers won’t appreciate the sound being up on that!
Bring Different Entertainment Activities
On average our flights to Florida are around the 8/9 hour mark. I know my child is not going to sit and stare at a screen for that long be it the iPad or the on flight screen. Yes, an iPad is great entertainment and she does enjoy it. I always make sure I download some new games especially for the flight but she needs other stimulation. I try and get some travel activity packs, colouring and sticker books, and I’ve even found a few little figures are great for her playing in her seat.
Give Up Your Comfort For Theirs
I know not all parents will like this one, but every time I fly I give up sitting comfortably so Little Miss can have a nap at some point. Flying and airports can be so taxing for little ones and completely overwhelming that if you can get them to sleep it can make the flight a) go faster for them and b) be a lot less stressful for you. I always give LM both the pillows and let her lie on me. As long as I can read and watch the screen in front of me without getting cramp, she can have as much or as little room as she needs.
Searching for the best car seat for travel for a child is something else to consider. There is a chance your child with be a lot more comfortable in their own seat than in one provided as they’re made for their size and may even recline.
Stay Calm
Above all, stay calm. If you’re calm, they’re more likely to be calm. There are always going to be some people who tut and roll their eyes as you board the plane but just ignore them. As a single mum battling to my seat with a tired little girl (flights back from Florida are usually in the evening around 8pm) I’m used to it but don’t let it bother you or put your focus else where. You need to remain calm and composed to help your little one through the next so many hours and if you do that your flight will be much smoother than if you get yourself worked up.
The best thing to do when travelling with a small child is make it as easy for them as possible. Explain to them step by step what’s going to happen and if they’re too young for that, be as comforting through the whole process as airports and planes can be scary to one so small. Be travel savvy and keep an eye out for any health issues that could arise such as altitude sickness, dehydration and even anxiety. Long haul flights don’t need to be as traumatic when taking your little one if you make sure you’re prepared.