• Reviews

    Root7 Zing Anything Vodka Zinger Review

    Often I get contacted by some unusual companies about product reviews, I don’t always accept if I don’t think it’s right for my blog, however a few weeks back I received an email from a company called Root 7, introducing me to a product that is perfect for Cocktails in Teacups. Having never heard of them before, I did my good research and discovered that Root 7 is a kitchen and barware company based in London. I can never turn down a chance to review a new gadget for the kitchen, even better if it’s something that uses alcohol, so here we have my review for the Vodka Zinger. The…

  • Reviews

    Pebble Grey LED Cosmetic Mirror Review

    Just a quick little review today of a lovely cosmetic mirror I was kindly sent to review. I do really appreciate when companies think my blog would be a good fit for their brand, I feel like I’ve come so far from the days when I’d struggle to have something to write because there would be so little going on in my life. Now I always feel like I have something to share with my readers whether it be a review, recipe or just a snippet from my life. Last night when I took part in the #lbloggers chat I was reminded of this. Today I’ve managed to post twice…

  • Reviews

    Canvas Design Review*

    Since getting my own place last July, I’ve been desperately trying to put my own stamp on it. This is the first house I’ve ever had that isn’t shared with flatmates or a guy so everything I choose to have, is my decision. It’s been an exciting journey that is by no means over, I still have carpets i’d like to replace, walls to paint and furniture to buy. But my favourite part is the personal touches. I love picking out photo frames, art for the walls, vases and ornaments, it’s the bits like that that really make the place yours. So when the chance came up to have one…

  • Other

    Insta-month March

    Polka Dot Nails // Krispy Kreme Doughnuts // Mcdonalds Frappe Saturday Night Pizza // Bought my own domain // Snow in March? Alice costume // Train Times // Little Miss’ 1st nursery make In March 2013… The highlights were… attending my first ever blogger event for Benefit’s launch of Fake Up, having a lovely mothers day & birthday, spent time with some lovely internet friends Ingrid & Emma and attending an Alice in Wonderland Murder Mystery at my besties house (post to come). Some things I have been loving… my daughter (standard), Benefit Fake Up, Lush Cupcake Face Mask, Game of Thrones yes I am aware I’m very late to…

  • Uncategorized

    #79 150 GFC Followers Giveaway!

    SO! Here is my first ever giveaway on Cocktails in Teacups, to celebrate the fact I have reached (and surpassed) 150 followers on GFC! I think this achievement is worth celebrating and as usual I wanted to be different so i’ve chosen 150 instead of the regular 100. I just want to say a huge thanks really for reading, commented and tweeting. I really have had such amazing support and have met the most awesome people through this blog already and I’m only 6 months down the line! Thank you, thank you, thank you.  Anyway, onto the goodies! I’ve put together a wee bundle of lovely prizes. The Q&A Five…