Personal Style – Now I’m Here, Blinking in the Starlight
Week two of showcasing my holiday wardrobe (styled for winter though since it’s freezing cold and crazy windy) and I’m managing to keep up. My trouble with trying to do outfit posts is the time. Firstly it has to be in the morning because a) my hair and make up don’t look like i’ve been dragged through a hedge and b) the light in the kitchen. Then obviously Little Miss needs to be occupied. If she’s having a relatively moany morning I can’t very well spending time in the kitchen with the door shut, I have to be present and ready to play. Thankfully this morning she was happy playing in the lounge with the box that Buzz came in on her head like a space helmet. I’m so glad she was happy to entertain herself for a while because for once my hair AND make up were on point (usually it’s one or the other).
Today I’m showing off one of my many dresses I have from Hot Topic. Hot Topic is actually my favourite store in the whole world and it’s not even in this country. Shipping here is very expensive and customs are even worse. BUT, it’s worth it because their Disney stuff is AMAZING. This dress was actually bought in store while I was in a mall in Maryland over the summer. I don’t know what possessed me to get it in a large because it’s not fitted and is quite baggy under the arms meaning my mum will have to sew it before Florida. I assure you it’s a dress, the same style as my Aladdin one from Black Milk Clothing (and a similar material, though not as good quality) but it really needs a nude bra under it which I don’t currently own. Something else to add to my holiday shopping list!
Metallic Blue Wrap (no longer available), Crown & Glory
Wish Upon a Star Locket £3, Jewellery Ever After
Crop Jumper (ancient), H&M
Tangled Silhouette Skater Dress $24.99, Hot Topic
Leggings £4, Primark
Boots (gifted by Hayley), New Look
Cream Satchel £6 (I think), Primark
Oops I forgot to take a full outfit post. Never mind, all the bits are there. It’s really hard to do with my current (now broken) tripod anyway.
Starting with the wrap. This has lay in my hair accessories box for a few weeks and I had no idea how to wear it. This morning when my fringe was sticking up (because I slept on it wet) I just stuck it on and it actually looked pretty great. I had to take it off to go out as I needed to wear a hat but now I know how to wear it, it’s going to see the light of day a lot more! I really love the colour. Although I consider myself girly, my favourite colour to wear (and dress LM in) is blue. Other accessories are my satchel. I have three of the same style in various colours, I hope Primark releases more in the Spring as I’ve said in past outfit posts, they’re the perfect fit for everything I need on a daily basis without being too bulky. Bee not only sews beautiful dresses for myself and Little Miss, but she also makes Disney and Fairytale inspired jewellery. This is one of her creations. Everything on her etsy is fantastically priced so I urge you to all go look.
As I mentioned above, it is a dress i’m wearing. It’s not just the bra issue that has lead me to wear this jumper, but the fact it’s so cold and this jumper is so cosy. It’s not the most flattering of clothes I own but it’s warm and not at all itchy. It’s popped up on my blog a few times in the past because I wear it so often. I also have it in blue and regret not getting it in grey, black & burgundy last year! The dress itself has such a beautiful pattern on it, it’s not in your face Disney but when you look closely you can see scenes from Tangled. My favourite is definitely the one from “At Last I See The Light” in fact that is one of my all time favourite Disney scenes. Leggings and boots are a staple through January/February as it’s always so cold. These leggings are now massive after only a week on Slimming World, I’ve had to pull them up a few times and due to having skinny ankles they gather even more. The only way to wear them is with a pair of chunky boots.
Are you enjoying seeing more outfit posts on Cocktails in Teacups?

I am in love with the print on your dress! x
You look fantastic!