• Other

    Christmas Gift Guide – Ideas for Sisters *

    ALL LINKS HAVE BEEN REMOVED DUE TO NO LONGER BEING FOR SALE So we’re now up to the third installment of my Christmas Gift Guide series. Tonight I’m going to share some ideas with you for sisters. Firstly, I should say that this is a gift guide for adult sisters. I’m making it with my younger sister in mind. She’s twenty three. There are two years, four months and one day between us but she acts and looks older than I am. She has her own house and car, a great job as a dental nurse and she lives with her boyfriend and two year old son. We are so…

  • Uncategorized

    #181 Oh I Do Like To Be Beside The Seaside

      From my front door I can see the sea. To some people this is such an amazing thing but I grew up in a village on the sea front and it did have a lot more cons than pros. For starters, it wasn’t always sunny. I live on the North East coast right next to Scotland which means even in the height of summer it’s often pretty cool, windy and we’ve even been known to have a thick covering of fog on the days the weather man claims everywhere else is enjoying the hottest day of the year! Also, the smell. That salty smell is not something you want…

  • Life

    #97 Happy Easter!

    Easter Basket made by my mum I hope everyone has enjoyed their extra long weekend? I know I have and for me that’s a rarity as I’m sure you are all well aware of how much I hate the weekend! For once there was peace, patience and fun under our extremely over crowded roof. No arguements, geeky chats and a lot of food, just what I was hoping for. For once my dad was on fine form, it was like the dad we grew up with, not the old grump that we have today that works too much and drinks too much because he worries too much and sleeps too…

  • Life

    #80 Twenty Five, My Silver Jubilee

    Today is my twenty fifth birthday. If I didn’t have Little Miss I would not feel twenty five in anyway, but since I have the responsibility of being a mother, I do feel that I could be that old. Even though my mum has joked all day it’s my Silver Jubilee, I haven’t done anything special.. I didn’t get parades or a ride down the river in a boat. Nope. But that doesn’t mean I haven’t had a good day, because I have, it’s been a really nice day. I mean I would of liked to have seen one or all of my friends. I would of liked to have…

  • Life

    Ode to my Mother

    I wanted a witty title, or maybe a quote.. but I left writing this so late due to baking a ton of cupcakes and taking part in the twitter chats. I’ve had two busy days, the bad luck is still haunting me (missed my train yesterday and my nephew ended up getting sick so my sister couldn’t come today) but they have still had their good moments. I want to do a haul post later on this week and then I can talk about yesterday. Today I want to blog about mothers day and my amazing mum. First things first, I want to say that although I was a mother…