Looking Back on June 2016
Okay, so June wasn’t as much fun as May, but I did manage to not get dumped which is a success in itself and my boyfriend spent a total of 20 days at my house as well as me spending a further 3 days at his. We don’t get to spend as much time together in July sadly as I have a friend coming to stay for a week but I will be at his for two weekends out of the 5 that July has. It’s his birthday on the 30th and I’m looking forward to seeing him for that. Anyway, I’m on a tangent.
I was supposed to spend four days in Paris, including one day at Disneyland Paris but due to Easyjet sucking (nothing new there) my flight was cancelled and due to the strikes earlier on in the week they couldn’t get me on another for over 24 hours. I’m still waiting to hear back from Easyjet about compensation but I get nothing back from my holiday insurance due to my excess being more than the trip itself. Lame. It was a harrowing day and has done nothing for my mental health the past few weeks. I also dyed my hair, like really dyed my hair, like £80 worth dyed my hair to blonde! Little Miss and my Other Half absolutely adore it, I’m still on the fence but it’s growing on me. Other stuff, I’ve eaten out a lot! There was of course Father’s day and my mother’s birthday that both required meals out (and me baking a cake, a lemon sponge with fresh cream and raspberries cake). Then the boyfriend and I had a day trip to Edinburgh where we ate at the Hard Rock Cafe (and I got slightly drunk on cocktails!) TV wise, GAME OF THRONES SEASON FINALE! Oh my god, the last two episodes were amazing. Little Miss started going for taster sessions at her primary school, the first two I cried all the way home but I think I’m starting to adjust to the idea of her going now. She seems to tiny still.
And that is what my June looked like, it went way too fast and now we’re half way through the year and it’s just as cold as it was in October, standard British Summer Time really..
Here is a round up of my favourite posts from the last month;
I seemed to be on a bit of a travel roll this month and not just Disney travel posts! For the first time in forever I wrote about travel that wasn’t Disney sharing my 5 Must Dos in Washington DC. It’ll be two years this summer since I travelled around the North East of the states on my own, it actually feels like it never happened. Thank God I took loads of photos and kept a diary, but now I think it’s time to really blog about the fantastic experience. But of course there were some Disney trip related posts, I shared 10 Things That Were Awesome at Walt Disney World in March 2016, narrowing it down to 10 was so hard, as like a million awesome things happened but these were definitely my absolute favourites. Finally I gave you a tour of the beautiful Port Orleans Riverside Resort at Walt Disney World. We stayed there for our first two nights and it was just bliss, nothing like I’ve ever seen in Florida before!
Moving onto Disney posts in general, because I can’t go a month without them! This month I shared a Disney Store wishlist, something I am going to try and do every month from now on because I spend a stupid amount of time on that website yet never have the money to buy anything! It’s still my favourite website to browse. I also blogged about 5 Disney Animated Movies I Love, can you guess which 5 I picked? I’m considering sharing Little Miss’ 5 favourites this month to see how they compare.
As far as parenting posts go for June I shared what Little Miss was reading throughout April and May. I really love doing these books and reviewing children’s books in general. We read a lot in our house to the point that Little Miss has started reading and recognising words. I’m so proud of her. As I thought I was going away in June I ordered her a My Geek Box Kids Mystery Box and it was a huge success with her. She loves getting things in the mail so when a huge blue box arrived with toys for her, she was completely over the moon. Obviously I reviewed it. It was such good value for £10.
Finally I really didn’t have many other posts but I did share a wishlist of new clothes I’d love for my wardrobe since I threw out everything that made me look frumpy (that was 90% of my wardrobe by the way!) lets hope I get lucky on eBay this month!
I have so many posts planned for this month and some adventures to have that will give me some fab content including a trip to London next week, and visits to Durham and York when my friend from the States is staying with us. I can’t wait to see what July brings!

One Comment
I love these catch up posts you do!