• Life

    Sheffield Film and Comicon August 2015

    On Saturday I finally went to a convention mainly to cosplay, hooray! It’s the first one of the year but hopefully it won’t be the last one. As Bee and I had such a fantastic time at London Film and Comicon we have been desperate to go to another one but with having such busy lives as well as money and time restraints it hasn’t happened. But trust me when I say, we have big plans for making 2016 the year of all the conventions and cosplay, so stay tuned! I travelled down to stay over Friday night however we were only attending the con on the Saturday. I’m glad…

  • Other

    Little Miss Cosplays, Part Two

    So last week I shared three of Little Miss’ outfits, or cosplays for when we go to WDW next month. One of her favourite parts of our trip in April was dressing like a princess every day, well a princess or Wendy Darling. Because of this we’re taking it to another level in September. I’m incredibly blessed to know fantastic seamstresses who have have made LM some wonderful outfits for her to wear. Some are pretty accurate, others are altered to make them wearable in the Florida sun. LM spends a lot of time dressing up, so being able to walk around the parks dressed up is something she thoroughly…

  • Other

    Little Miss Cosplays, Part One

    As you all know, I like to cosplay, specifically Disney cosplay. But what you may not know, is Little Miss also likes to cosplay. Especially around the Disney parks. We have amassed a fair amount of different dresses to wear in September to Walt Disney World and October to Disneyland Paris so I’m going to try and share my favourites. We are incredibly blessed to have met some wonderful people who make beautiful handmade outfits for Little Miss, which I’m so thankful for since I can barely sew a button. Although we were gifted some of these, they are available to buy and I have included links. However, none of…

  • Reviews

    Annabelle’s Wigs Carly Review – Briar Rose Style

    As I mentioned in my post about things i’m looking forward to this summer, I mentioned I was excited about going to SFCC with Bee. Well last week we decided who we were going to cosplay this year. Last year at LFCC we cosplayed Ariel & Vanessa (Ursula’s human form) and although we do have a few ideas for more doubles, we decided to go for two not 100% related ideas. Mine was routed in the fact the lovely people at Annabelle’s Wigs had allowed me to choose a wig to style and review. I’d been sent a beautiful which I knew would eventually make a perfect Briar Rose wig.…

  • Other

    There Is Something About Cosplay..*

    I have had a rather horrible day today so to cheer myself up I wanted to write a little bit about my new hobby. This year I discovered the world of cosplay.. well when I say discovered, I mean it has become a part of my life. I always knew of cosplay, but I wasn’t sure where or when it was appropriate. But then we (as in Bee & I) booked tickets to LFCC back in March, and I was finally going to get to do it.. but not just cosplay, Disney cosplay. Cosplay has always appealed to me. Since a small child I have loved to dress up. I…