Finding Dory Giveaway
Last week my mum and I took Little Miss and her cousin to see Finding Dory that was released country wide on the 29th July. I have to admit, I’m not actually a fan of Finding Nemo, I watch it as little as possible (however I love the musical at Animal Kingdom and the ride at Epcot haha) and don’t really encourage LM to watch it either. But I did really enjoy Finding Dory. The supporting characters were so much more interesting this time (especially Hank the octopus!) and I still got my fill of Crush and Squirt. I felt there was a lot more adult humour that went over the kids heads too, my mum and I often glanced along at each other sniggering into our popcorn. It was a great movie, and I only cried once (a record for seeing a pixar movie in the cinema to be honest) and if you haven’t seen it yet I recommend heading out to see it now.
Disney Store have kindly got in touch with me to ask if I want to host a Finding Dory giveaway, of course I said yes. Anything to give a little Disney back to my readers. This isn’t your usual giveaway, you can’t just enter and hope for the best, you need to do a little work, but I promise it’s easy! Basically, you have to “find Dory”. Below are three photos of Dory on some adventures with Little Miss and as part of your entry you need to comment with where you think Dory is!
And here’s what you can win!
all from the Disney Store
As I live in a small town, these are very generic places such as “at the dentist” “at a park” “at the zoo” and one where in the house, like “in the kitchen” due to colds, hayfever, lack of money and typical low mood when the sun disappeared for a while we haven’t had any big adventures this summer but hopefully it’ll be fairly easy! Remember to still fill in your details on Rafflecopter as that’s how I will be drawing.
So where has Dory been this summer with Little Miss?
UK Only
Prize will be posted second class with proof of postage in a timely manner.
Must comment with three places to find Dory to win, in the event no one is right I will choose whoever is closest.
Giveaway will run for one week 17th August – 24th August 2016

melanie stirling
In the supermarket,by the sea and in the garden.
Leighanne M
In the garden, the supermarket and by the sea
In the supermarket, at the seaside and in the garden
Helen Dickinson
At the supermarket,by the sea & in the garden.
Isabel O
At the supermarket, at the seaside and in the garden?
In the supermarket, at the seaside and in the garden
Chrissie Curtis
I am a complete donut! It pasted your bloglovin link in the rafflecopter and not my own!
https://www.bloglovin.com/people/misschristinacurtis-3135631 sorry could you fix that for me.
Chrissie Curtis
Dory is in the supermarket, at the seaside and in the garden
At the supermarket,by the sea & in the garden.
Rebecca Phillips
In tesco, at the seaside and in the garden
abigail edkins
in tescos, by the seaside and in a garden (yours?)
Jenna Parrington
In the supermarket, at the seaside and in the garden 🙂
Tracy Hanley
The supermarket, at the seaside and in the garden
sharon martin
In the garden, the supermarket and by the sea
Jade Bremner
Dory is in Tesco, having a visit to the seaside and then Dory is chilling in the garden. Love the pictures btw