Dermalogica Sebum Clearing Masque From Pure Beauty Review*
Well this is a rarity! A beauty post on Cocktails in Teacups, they haven’t made a regular occurrence for a good year now. Mainly due to the fact that since going to Disney became such a huge part of our life beauty went out the window. Of course I still wear make up, wash my hair, clean my face, I just use high street products or something from my stash. Plus, lets face it, I was never very good at the whole beauty reviews anyway! But a few weeks back the kind people at Pure Beauty sent me over a masque to try, hopefully it was going to be that…
First Impressions With Dermalogica
Wow, it has been ages since I did any sort of beauty post, but today I have one all about my first impressions of Dermalogica. A brand I’d heard plenty about but I’d never tried myself until I was offered the chance. My main reason for accepting the chance to try out Dermalogica is because if i’m brutally honest, my skin is a bloody mess and has been since last August. While I was in the states in the middle of summer, something strange happened to my skin, it went from being sensitive dry to sensitive oily. I have never ever had oily skin but for some reason when I…