Crazy Domestic Cleaning with Old Teabags*
Lovers of good quality tea weep somewhat over teabags as not being quite as good as “proper” tea made with loose leaves in a teapot. However, for the rest of us, bunging a teabag in a cup of hot water (or a dozen teabags in a big teapot if you’re making tea for the masses at the finger-food lunch for the parent–teacher association meeting) is the way that we get our daily dose of the cup that cheers but not inebriates. One thing that makes penny-pinchers everywhere cringe a little is that a teabag that’s made just one cup is still good for another cup… just. And that’s if you…
Three Things to Think About Before You Start Dating Again*
I decided to take 2020 and make it my year. What this means is I’m doing more things for me. I want to be more than just LM’s mum. I want to be my own person again. And part of that is braving the world of dating again. I seem to go through fads with this. I download a few apps, spend a few weeks on them, maybe have a date or two. Then something awful happens, like a guy is rude or stands me up and I delete them all again. The hassle is too much and I have enough on my plate without doubting my self worth over…
Top Self Care Tips for Someone With Anxiety*
If you follow my social media you’ll know that I really struggle with anxiety at the start of the year. The whole unknown black hole that is the coming year is a big trigger for me. Along with some particularly tough dates in the calendar and how quiet work tends to be, it’s a tough time. I’ve now struggled anxiety for almost 8 years, i’ve talked about it a few times on the blog and how it’s a fall out effect from having PTSD. I’ve done it all in the name of recovery, therapy, medication.. but these days I try to ride the lows out myself. For the most part,…
Finding Childcare with Childcare.co.uk*
Deciding to become a parent is a big decision. Yes, sometimes it happens and the choice is already made but for a lot of couples the decision isn’t something they take likely. Having a child is expensive. I know, I’ve been a parent for 8 years now. A lot of couples take this into consideration. They look at their incomes, what they’ve saved and where they are in their lives before they decide whether they could afford a kid. And unfortunately, one of the biggest expenses with a kid is the childcare. It’s funny how the time you aren’t spending with your child ends up being the most expensive time…
Finding the Time and Space to Blog*
While many people dream of having their own blog, relatively few achieve it. It’s not that it’s so hard to set up a blog; it’s more about finding the time and space needed to keep it up until it gains momentum. Once you find an audience and your blog starts being a bit more interactive, motivation gets a little easier because you feel like someone is listening to what you have to say. It helps a lot with coming up with ideas and then writing them up if you have a little area in the house to call your own. Find Your Space Whether you’re blogging once a month or…
The Pros and Cons of Long Distance Relationships*
As I’m sure you all know by now, a few years ago I was in a long distance relationship. It lasted just over 9 months before we financially and mentally couldn’t do it anymore. I think if I didn’t have LM we could have lasted longer but I just wasn’t flexible enough when it came to the crunch and neither of us were ready to move in together. Oh well. What’s meant for you will never pass as my Grandpa used to tell me. It wasn’t all bad. In fact, there were some great reasons for it. We’d both been hurt in the past so the distance was often a…