Home & Interiors
How To Decorate Your Home So That It Stands The Test Of Time*
The truth is that decorating your home is expensive. There’s no getting away from that fact. So, if you’re going to create a home that you love, and you’re going to spend money making that space nice, then it’s worth taking the time to consider how you can decorate your home so that it is set to stand the test of time. If you’re going to put a lot of money into making your home nice, naturally you want to ensure that it’s going to be a space that will stand the test of time. The question is, of course, how can you go about doing that? What does it…
How to Turn Your Backyard into a Dreamy Garden Oasis!*
One of the best things about being a homeowner is having the freedom to create the home of your dreams. For some, that means creating a lavish estate, while others see it as creating a cozy getaway away from the city. While some might see a yard as nothing more than a space to grow plants, others see it as a canvas for transformation. Whether you have a small backyard or a large lot, you can transform it into a garden oasis with just a few minor changes. Follow these simple tips, and you’ll have the perfect spot to relax and unwind after a long day of city living. From…
Trends to Consider for Your Garden this Summer*
Next week is May and we’re quickly slipping into those summer months. While it’s not particularly warm, in fact it’s still freezing at night, the time to focus on your garden is well and truly here. After a rough few years where socialising was discouraged you’re probably really looking forward to embracing Garden Party season. And of course we have the Queen’s Jubilee this year so if you’re wanting to have your garden on point for June, now is the time to get started. For me, there is nothing better than a garden party, it doesn’t feel as claustrophobic and the clean up doesn’t feel as stressful. I’ve even hosted…
Popular Rooms in Your Home to Refresh By Yourself*
It’s a well known fact that as the season of Spring rolls in, people start looking at their house a little differently. The term Spring Clean isn’t a thing without reason good reason, but sometimes a clean, or a clear out just isn’t enough, sometimes something needs to change or be updated. For a lot of people, money is tight at the moment, we’re facing a bit of a cost of living crisis and we won’t really know the extent of it for a few months, which is probably why a lot more people are looking at DIY, and making home improvements more affordable. Many people had a taster of…
8 Budget-Friendly Ways To Glam Up Your Bathroom*
When it comes to creating the perfect bathroom, many people assume they would need to spend thousands of pounds to achieve their design dreams and goals. While that might be true if a bathroom needs a complete refit, it isn’t always the case. It might surprise you to learn that you could “glam up” your bathroom without paying a fortune. In some cases, you could revamp the look of your bathroom for free using materials you’ve already got lying around in your home! With that in mind, take a look at the following ideas for some inspiration on how you can complete a budget-friendly transformation of your bathroom: Paint Your…
3 Things To Think About Before Starting Your Garden Transformation*
While it might not currently feel it, as far as the calendar and the daffodils are concerned, Spring is on it’s way. It’s almost Mother’s Day which always feels like a Spring Holiday and the clocks are changing, again a sign of Spring. Because of this, many of us are looking to tackling our gardens and starting to work on getting them summer ready. Here in the UK we endured a lot of terrible storms, specifically strong winds like we haven’t seen in decades. Myself, like many around the country, have taken some substantial damage to their garden. I lost all my fences, front and back, plus some little fencing…