
How to Make Every Client Visit to Your Office Memorable*

A business transaction today is so much more than the services or goods being delivered. It’s all about how the customer feels, how the goods are introduced and how you as a service-offer or business person communicate yourself and the impression you leave on the customer.

Impressions change and the change fast. And when it comes to running a business, the ambiance and the professionalism of the work place play a huge role in roping in new customers. As does the cleanliness. Using commercial cleaning services in Maryland Capital, MD is the best way to ensure the place is spotless.

From the minute a client walks in to the minute the client walks out, they is assessing everything from your receptionist to the colour of your office walls. And in this day and age, you have to ensure everything is in order. It’s worth hiring a company such as greenfacilities.co.uk for this!

Making sure you pick the right furniture for your office is a must. If a client walks in and finds your office too homey or dilapidated it could be instantly off putting. Picking the right desks, office chairs and even surfaces can really help boost that first impression.

So, here are a few tips on how to make every client visit to your office memorable, every time;

The Welcome Gig
One of the critical aspects of any play is the opening. It gives the viewers a taste of what is to come, it quips their interest and keeps them enthralled till the very last minute of the play. It’s the same with your office also. The people at your reception determine how your client feels about you and your business. So, be sure to have the best of the best working your reception with all the proper training. Teach them to communicate properly and help them understand that no matter how busy they are it is important to make eye contact and use hand gestures when they are too busy to speak. The people working the reception desk must be highly aware of their surroundings and be ready to deal with all sorts of the decision in the at most reliable and discrete way as possible.

Refreshments are a Must
A person with something in his stomach is a person willing to be positive. Always have something ready to offer your clients. Don’t just assume that your clients are not hungry. Be sure to offer refreshments until you get a definite no. Also make sure that if your client happens to need something like drinking water or a drink, they can easily find it and serve themselves. This proves essentially useful because people tend to be self-sufficient in unfamiliar surroundings.

Keep Your Office Clean
One of the most basic rules of business etiquette. Always keep your office clean. Right from your lobby to your supplies storeroom, keep everything organized and clean. Make sure everything is working in tip top shape which also includes keeping your office doors from squeaking every time someone uses it by oiling it and ensuring proper maintenance on all office properties- hardware and software. A clean office not only boosts the employees’ morale but also gives the client a sense of trusting a reliable entity which works together to achieve its goals.

Train the Employees
Train all your clients to be client-friendly and curb the ‘not-part-of-my-job’ attitude inside the office. Everyone must be ready to take up any part of the business at any time. When all employees give a sense of willingness to help the client, the client themselves feel being welcomed, and it increases the likeliness of continued business.

Create the Right Ambiance
Imagine walking into a dark and gloomy office without no proper lighting or interior decorating. The client feels dejected and will further tend to avoid future relationships because of the sense of negativity that lingers in their mind because of the office. So, it is very much necessary to have ample lighting all around the office. A bright room makes way for a bright mood. You can further complement the lighting and your interiors by adding the right decorations. It’s commonly noticed that the human mind craves for refreshing thoughts and sights. So, by strategically placing something such as plants around the office, you are making your client feel more open to your business.

Ambiance also includes how your client will feel while visiting your space, is it too warm, too cold? While central heating is a standard fixture here in the UK, it might be worth employing Sovereign to install a ceiling suspended air conditioning system for those warm summer months. There is nothing more off putting than your staff sitting around sweating through their clothes and muggy handshakes so it’s best to plan for all weathers.

Hassle Free
Keep your office as free of problems as possible. Especially in front of your clients. Try to keep office drama to the minimum and it’s especially important to create a safe space to conduct business. If you don’t have the extra room to have somewhere for meetings, you should probably think about office pods. They create an intimate setting but they’re also perfect for reassuring those more private clients that you won’t be interrupted or over heard.

Finally, keep in mind that clients are more likely to do business with a company that makes them feel good. And your business office plays a huge part in that. Having the right people at the right place with the right tools is very important.

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