Monetising Your Blog Through Blogging Networks in 2020*
When I first started my blog way back in 2012, very few people earned anything from it. Blogging was purely a hobby and occasionally, if you were lucky, you’d get a new launch product through the mail to write about. But it wasn’t really a profitable or viable job choice. At the time I was still on maternity leave, and then I went on to retrain as an accountant. But in 2015 things had started to change, people were making money off their blog, myself included. By June 2016, what I was earning contributed enough to my earnings that I could feasibly become self employed.
It’s been a long road, and even now I don’t earn enough for it to be my only source of income, I’m more of a jack of all trades, but I’d say it contributes a good 60% of my monthly earnings. But I am still here, still writing daily almost 8 years after first starting, it’s not something that happens over night. I am thankful for the opportunities now though as it means I can be around for my daughter which is all I ever wanted.
Today I’m sharing a few ways you can get started earning through your blog. It’s one of the most legit ways that anyone can do really (once you’ve established yourself at least). And that’s through blogging networks.
Blogging networks do the leg work in connecting you to a brand or company who are looking to place sponsored posts, review an item or attend an event. So if this something you want to do, here are some of the ones you should look into joining;
Get Blogged
This is probably my favourite paid blogging network out there and for the past year I’ve had regular assignments. The site is really easy to navigate and the work you can apply for is sorted by DA. You DA is updated on the site so you can only apply for the ones that fit you. You write a quick pitch and will get an email if you’re accepted. The pay out is super fast as well. Definitely check out Get Blogged.
Bloggers Required
This one has been around for years, it was actually one of the first blogging networks you could join so it’s nice to see it’s still going strong. This one offers a nice mix of products to review and sponsored content. Like with Get Blogged you pitch what you plan to write about and you’ll be informed if you get to selected for the piece or the review. It’s that simple.
Brit Mums
Blogging about parenting and your children was one of the first areas of bloggers that benefitted for monetising. Mum’s are influential not just to other mothers, but to young people. Brit Mums is a great network to join, not just for sponsored content and events to attend, but because it’s a supportive group of other mothers going through the same as you.
There used to be so many more networks out there, but these days I’d say the three i’ve shared are some of the best that regularly have opportunities for bloggers. You could also check out the #bloggersrequired hashtag on Twitter.