3 Ways to Improve Your Grade at University*
Going to University is a huge decision that can shape your first few years of adulthood. Not only that, but it’s a very expensive decision these days. A lot of people go to University for the wrong reason. Because they feel they should or they feel they have to. Because their friends are going or because their parents want them to. Take it from someone who went to University for the wrong reasons, don’t invest unless you 100% want to or need to for the job you want in the future. Don’t feel pressured.
HOWEVER, this is a post for those who are going to University or are already a student. This is a post how to get the very best out of the education you’re now paying for.
For the first time ever, you’re out on your own. You are responsible for a large percentage of your learning. You’ll get lectures, seminars but for the most part, you’re on your own which is a huge difference from being in high school.
So here are 3 ways that you can improve your grade while at university;
Utilize One Class
There are so many resources online to help you at university but my personal favourite is One Class. One Class is great place for study materials and homework help. There are departments for individual schools and classes so you are sure to find what you’re looking for.
But not only that, but they have a new FREE tutoring programs that you can livestream. You simply log on at the time displayed and utilize the online class. At the moment they only have Maths and Chemistry to help children in high school, colleges and universities stay on top of work during the COVID-19 epidemic.
Start a Study Group
You know how when you’re sat in your room trying to write an essay and you just keep getting distracted? Or maybe that’s just me! Anyway, what I found useful was starting a study group. I often struggle with my mind going blank especially when i’m doing research but having a group of like minded people I could meet up with once or twice a week to bounce ideas off really helped improve my grade. Sometimes someone else will help you nourish an idea for an essay that you can then put into words. And sometimes you just need some people in your corner to help inspire you.
Don’t Leave Things Until the Last Minute
My final tip is don’t leave things until the very last minute. Your grade will suffer. It’s tempting especially with all the stuff going on at University. Societies, socialising and of course, partying. But do your research and get writing. It will give you time to change things and the longer you leave it off, the less you’re likely to remember what your original point was. It took until my third year to get really organised, and that’s because I had a 10,000 word dissertation to write. I’m so glad I didn’t leave that until the last minute!