5 Book Types to Take on Holiday*
Although August is coming to an end, that doesn’t mean holiday season is. A lot of people, especially millennials, go on holiday in September as the resorts are quieter and it tends to be cheaper once the kids return to school. I haven’t actually ever been on holiday during July/August since I was a child and my mother was a teacher so we couldn’t go in term time, May and September have always been my holiday months of choice.
I was recently asked by Holiday Gems who provide last minute holidays to share some book recommendations that are perfect for travelling and reading by the pool. I won’t lie, I get all my best reading done while travelling, it’s probably why I’ve managed so many books this year! However, instead of recommending individual books, I’m going to recommend my favourite genres to read while travelling
The Chick Lit
Chick Lit books are possibly my favourite genre, why? Because they’re so easy to read and usually have a happy ending and sometimes I just need that in my life. Every summer there are an abundance of new Chick Lit releases but some of my favourites are older and I like the comfort they bring when I revist them, I shared some of my favourite authors a few weeks back and I’m so thankful they often release new books yearly. This years favourite has 100% been Wilde Like Me by Louise Pentland, the book affected me in a way not many Chick Lit books have probably because it’s about a single mother navigating life. So many parts of it had me in tears.
The Autobiography
Although Autobiography isn’t a genre I visit often, I do really love a actor or comedian’s Autobiography. I’ve read a few and I have Anna Kendrick’s to read while we’re away next week. Autobiography is my mother’s favourite genre, she loves seeing their lives and their rise to fame. Again, they’re fairly easy reads and often not too long which again makes them perfect to take on holiday.
The Fantasy Series
When I was younger this was my go to genre for any time of the year. Having a magical world to escape to was preferable in my teen years. I’ve read Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, His Dark Materials, The Chronicles of Narnia, you name it! But this year I found a new fantasy series I really enjoyed, Miss Peregrines Peculiar Children. I did watch the movie first and I found it incredibly weird but after stating this on Facebook I was informed to give the books a try, and even though they were pretty twisted and weird, the plot was solid and I liked all the characters and their development. Another Fantasy series I’ve really loved this year was the Kingdom Keepers series, not as well written as the other but if you’re a Disney parks fan it’s worth a read, I preferred The Return trilogy over the original series but I was pretty sad once I’d reached the conclusion!
The YA
Although the two series’ I mentioned above technically fall into the YA category this time I’m talking of those “coming of age” books that are al the rage these days and I’m not going to pretend I don’t often pick up a popular one to read. John Green’s back catalogue seems to be the most popular but I only really loved Looking for Alaska, there is also Rainbow Rowell who seems to be on the rise among teens and I do recommend Eleanor & Park. Coming of Age novels seem to be the predecessor to Chick Lit for girls but more often than not they’re written in a way that a guy can pick them up too. Easy and enjoyable reads and there are new ones on the market every month.
The Book of the Movie
I’m one of these of the firm belief that the book is better than the movie, therefore on the whole I try to read the book before watching the movie. Sometimes I see a movie first not realising it was a book then I go back and read the book. Books of movies are great as they often give more detail and fill in plot holes from movies because they can’t fit everything into the two hours. Some of the ones I’ve really enjoyed have been Brooklyn and The Help, they also make great books to take away as everything is often wrapped up in one book without the need for a series.
Happy holiday reading!