Personal Style – The Dream That You Wish Will Come True
I have to admit, that unlike my other Disney Personal Style posts, I did not wear this dress all day. Mainly because I’m trying to get down my washing and I’d be afraid I wouldn’t get this washed and ironed in time to take it with me! I cannot believe I go in 12 days, TWELVE DAYS! I’m able to now say to Little Miss that we’re going on holiday NEXT WEEK! My threats to get her to stop misbehaving sound more real when I say “stop that or you won’t go to Disney next week” rather than just tagging on “soon” to the end. I’m onto the washing and ironing and putting into the case now so any other Disney bound outfits I do won’t be worn for the whole day but they will still be styled for UK weather.
This weeks dress was one that Bee ordered for me via a friend so it is a last minute addition to my wardrobe. I do love it so much and was originally going to wear it my first day, until Bee made me a tulle Cinderella inspired skirt so now I’m going to wear it to dinner at 1900 Park Fare instead. It’s the same style is my Tangled Floating Lights dress from the other week.
Cinderella Carriage Dress $34.50, Hot Topic
Vintage Crystal Necklace* £28, Modern Vintage Style
Trasparenze Cetra Tights* £11.99, UK Tights
Black T-Bar Shoes (similar here), Boohoo
I have to admit I really hate the way I look in all these photos. I must be having a low self esteem day because no matter what I did and no matter how I looked in the mirror, when I tried to take a photo I just looked rubbish.. Not going to lie, I considered not posting at all but I don’t have time to reshoot. I’ll possibly curl up in a ball and cry after this goes live.
As I mentioned above, I didn’t wear this dress out today, but I did wear the necklace, shoes and tights with a long sleeve dress as it’s still too chilly for bare arms. Although I have to admit, for the first time in a long time my arms don’t look ridiculously oversized in this photo! That’s one positive i’m clinging to!
I know I’m not the only one who is really into Cinderella at the moment! In fact as soon as I’m finished blogging I’m off to book tickets for LM and I to go see it next week one day. Probably Tuesday as it’s the cheap day, and that’s the day my mum will have my nephew most of the day. Anyway, it’s definitely rekindled my love of the original Disney animated classic, which is also one of LM’s top 5. We’ve watched it twice in the last week, and although compared to the likes of Frozen and Tangled, it does look dated but I still adore the story. As soon as this dress appeared on the Hot Topic website, I wanted it but I was trying to force myself to wait until I was over there to look for it! However, I’m real glad Bee ordered it for me. It goes great with my all time favourite tights from UK Tights, I only recently remembered I owned them when I was looking for something to wear for my birthday, and boy am I glad I did! I’ve worn them 3/4 times since and that was only last week! I’m still trying to break in these t-bars to wear on holiday, I walked into town and back today with no blisters so I think they’re ready to be packed.
Fingers crossed I still make time for a couple more outfits. I’m leaving my cosplay inspired Disney bound dresses for when I’m back as I have ordered petticoats to go under them and I won’t be wearing those in Florida! Gosh I’d be so hot!
Taylor (anotherfashionfanatic)
I love this dress! You look so nice 🙂
Samsam Cherie
You so do not need to curl up in a ball and cry: you are beautiful!!! I love this dress, I love how you’ve styled it, and I love your beautiful smile!!! <3
~ Samantha
Chelsea Brown
You look super cute in this dress, Amy! I also love your tights, I’m in desperate need for new tights – last night I realised that I’d owned one pair for roughly five years! D: xx
I think you look beautiful! I LOVE the dress…thank you for introducing me to Hot Topic by the way. Can’t wait to order bucket loads of Disney inspired clothing haha 🙂
Amber x