Things to Consider About Well Being in the Colder Months*
Summer is over, we had our first blast of wintery weather last week and the blankets were back on the bed. One day I even wore winter boots to do the school run! As much as I do love wintery weather, I love layers and candles and getting ready for Christmas one of the things I really don’t like is all the illnesses that go along with the colder months. Last week both my sister and dad came down with colds that have gone onto their chests, neither of them were especially prepared for the sudden change in weather along with my nephew starting school and bringing an assortment of germs home. Not only that but there are other things to think about like how your gas and electricity bills will increase and taking care of your loved ones who are in their later years.
Getting ill is pretty much inevitable but there are a few things you can do to at least attempt to stay fit and healthy in the winter;
Get Your Flu Shot
If you’re entitled to a flu shot get it! No one likes injections and it certainly doesn’t protect against everything but it does help. You can find out if you’re entitled to a free flu vaccination on the NHS website. Even if you’re not entitled to a free one, it’s worth getting anyway if you’re someone who is prone to catching the flu. If you weigh it up against how much time you may need to take off work due to illness it could be worth it.
Make Sure Your Elderly Are in Good Hands
It’s a known fact that the elderly suffer most in the winter so make sure you have them in good hands. If they’re in a care home ensure they’re receiving the right nutrition for the colder months like they would with Barchester. It’s also important that they’re getting the right medication and have access to their medication when it’s too cold or unsafe to leave the house. I know it’s a big worry but if you can’t be the one to take care of them make sure they’re with someone who can, winter is a trying time for the elderly and it’s important you make it as easy as possible for them.
Check You’re on the Best Tariff for Heating and Electricity
One of the biggest financial outgoings for a home in the winter is electricity and gas. You have your lights on longer because it gets dark quicker. The tv is probably on more because you’re going out less and lets not forget about the heating you need especially when it starts to really get cold, even for drying your clothes. You don’t want to feel like you have to be cold or sit in the dark because you can’t afford the astronomical prices these services seem to be at these days, so why not do a price comparison to see if you can get yours any cheaper? That extra money could be great for Christmas.
With any change in season there are always things to think about and new worries, but as Autumn is my favourite season I’m excited for the change. Bring on all the pumpkin spice!