3 Ways to Make Virtual First Dates Fun*
While the last year has been rough in so many ways, there have been a few good bits and pieces come out of it. A lot of people have reassessed what’s important to them.. so people took up hobbies or found skills that they can no go forward and make a living from.. some people have had precious time with younger children before they started school and some people have found flexibility in working from home. But one of my favourite things that has come out of things is normalising the video call. For many years we’ve all made do with texting and it’s made us a little.. well disconnected?…
Who is the Best Website to Buy Living Room Furniture*
Want to upgrade your living room? Well, with plenty of decor options, time to make your living room an exceptional place in your house. So, what are you planning for your room? The problem is whatever your plans are, you need to find the right store to buy your furniture. In the UK, there is a long list of furniture showrooms and stores where you can buy furniture online as well as in store. But don’t worry, if you’re in the US there are loads of great places to buy Living Room Furniture too. Anyway, we have a perfect suggestion. We reveal the best website to buy living room furniture…
What Are The Top Food Storage Brands For Preppers?*
Once upon a time, those that fanatically awaited the end of the world, also known colloquially as apocalypse preppers, were widely made fun of. They were the butt of many jokes, from “the end is nigh” gags on TV shows to the isolated survivalist in the woods stereotype. However, with every passing day, we are starting to realize that they might have had a point. It is no understatement that the past year has felt mainly like the supercut of newsreels played at the start of every post-apocalyptic movie. Starting from a deadly pandemic to riots, protests, and even unprecedented natural disasters that left our society in shambles and many…
10 Things You Should Know About Home Safety*
Home sweet home! Yes, everyone knows this. However, it is your duty to keep your home safe and secure to prevent any unforeseen and unfortunate incidents form occurring. This is especially applicable in cases when you have small children in your home. Here are 10 things you should be aware of in order to keep your home safe. – If you have a home with a septic tank, keep an eye on it’s level. OMDI has a great guide on signs that your septic tank if full and why it’s important you keep an eye on this to keep your home and family safe. The sludge that is in your…
A Short Guide to Personal Insolvency*
As we come out the other side of this pandemic, people will be taking a long hard look at the state of their finances. A lot of people have lost their jobs, others have been on furlough and some have just had tighten in their belts because keeping kids at home for months on end is expensive! Debts might have mounted up, there is a rise in people using food banks and it’s all expected to get worse. People who were once on a good wage are no looking into claiming benefits because there just aren’t any jobs yet while the country begins to recover. It’s honestly no surprise that…
5 Ways to Make Your Dating Profile Stand Out This Year*
With the prospect of lockdown coming to and end in a matter of weeks, and being fully over by the summer, a lot of singletons are looking at how to go about meeting someone new. Lockdown has been long and lonely for a lot of people, so it’s no wonder those who are single really are ready to mingle! In this day and age, the best (and easiest) way to meet someone new is through online dating sites, specifically local dating sites, but lets face it, it’s a complete mine field. I know first hand how disappointing and even scary the world of online dating can be. However, it’s not…