Home & Interiors
Nice Ideas For Your Small Bathroom*
There are numerous things that can go wrong with your bathroom. Problem becomes even bigger if you have limited space at your disposal. Unlike other rooms, where we can improvise in case of an accident or emergency, there is no way we can adapt to having a broken toilet bowl or a non-working bathtub. However, small bathrooms do not pose a problem only in terms of functionality. They can also feel very stuffed, disabling passage to a user. If that wasn’t enough, there is also question of interior design. Unlike other spacious rooms, where you can experiment as much as you want, tinny bathroom are really hard to decorate. So…
Best Flooring for Pets and Children*
Our flooring comes into contact with many different elements, especially if you come from a household that has pets and children running about! Not only do they take up our time and energy, but also add to the wear and tear of our home, with the walls and floors taking the brunt of it. So, if you have little tots or furry creatures roaming your home, it’s important to think about your flooring choice before you buy it! Durability This is something we all look for when buying a new flooring, but this is even more important with busy family households. Something that’s going to stand up to lots of…
Crazy Domestic Cleaning with Old Teabags*
Lovers of good quality tea weep somewhat over teabags as not being quite as good as “proper” tea made with loose leaves in a teapot. However, for the rest of us, bunging a teabag in a cup of hot water (or a dozen teabags in a big teapot if you’re making tea for the masses at the finger-food lunch for the parent–teacher association meeting) is the way that we get our daily dose of the cup that cheers but not inebriates. One thing that makes penny-pinchers everywhere cringe a little is that a teabag that’s made just one cup is still good for another cup… just. And that’s if you…
The Future of Weed Killer*
The development of weed killers has allowed us to grow more crops and feed an increasing population. However, they involve spraying harsh and potentially dangerous chemicals on our plants. The widespread use of them across the world has caused lots of issues. There are increasing concerns over what the overuse of them might be doing to our health. There is also a lot of evidence that suggests that use of them has contributed to the decline of bees which we need to pollinate many of the plants we eat. Even the use of household weed killers can be dangerous, roundup weed killer was infamously found to cause cancer and lawsuits…
5 Effective Ways To Save Money On Your Water Bills*
When it comes to natural resources, water is probably wasted the most, as it’s available in plenty and is also quite affordable. According to some resources, the US citizens waste about 50% of the water they use in their gardens and yards, owing to faulty sprinkler systems and improper irrigation. This also increases the monthly water bill, especially if you have acres of landscaped gardens and lawns that require regular maintenance. Sometimes, changing a few habits like overwatering or installing a new irrigation system can make a huge difference to your water conservation endeavors and cut down water bills. If you wish to know how to stop paying a hefty amount every…
Wall Colours and How They Can Affect Your Mood*
When you move into a new home, especially one you’ve bought yourself, one of the first things you want to do is put your own stamp on it. And why not? It’s your home, you want it to be an extension of you and your personality, just like the clothes you wear and you want it to be somewhere you want to spend time. Of course there is a lot to consider before you start to decorate, the main thing being the colours and style you’re going for. Do you want your rooms themed? Or do you want them to set a mood? Are you looking for a calming environment?…