Top Tips for Helping Your Child with Maths*
As one of the core academic subjects in schools, maths is unavoidable for children. While it may come naturally to some, others might need an extra helping hand at home to give them the push they need to succeed. So, if you’re wondering what you can do to help, here are some top tips from a preparatory school in Middlesex.
Stay Positive
When talking to your child about maths, try and be positive. If you say things like “I was rubbish at maths at your age”, they will resign themselves to thinking it’s okay to be rubbish at maths. Instead, try and help them believe in themselves by reminding them that they can overcome any problem they put their mind to.
Practise Everyday
Maths is all around us so try and look for opportunities for your child to practise. Ask them to help you split the sausages evenly at dinnertime between each member of your family or calculate how much money you will need when you get to the till at the shops. There are even lots of board games that you could play that require simple numeracy skills, such as Monopoly, for example.
Ask Your Child to Teach You
One great way to learn something is to teach it. It sounds like a strange notion, but by asking your child to teach you about various mathematical concepts they’ve covered in school, the information will become ingrained in their brain.
Be Patient
Maths can be difficult and if your child is struggling, they are unlikely to become a master overnight. With that said, try and be patient with your child, and encourage them to be patient with themselves. If they’re struggling with their maths homework, encourage them to take a break and come back to it when they’ve calmed down.