Exploring Creative Writing with Your Child*
Creative writing is an unsung talent with many career opportunities to offer. Aside from that, in the short term, creative writing skills can help your child to ace their essay and perform better at school. We have teamed up with a boarding school in Birmingham to share the ways that you can explore creative writing with your child.
Encourage an Open Mind
Having an open mind can increase creativity by allowing the brain to explore alternative ways of thinking. This can be particularly useful for writers as writer’s block can be a huge hindrance.
Reading Books for Inspiration
Reading can increase the vocabulary and your child’s knowledge. It can give them a glimpse into the power authors have just by using their words and familiarise them with how to structure their own writing. Start by finding out what your child is interested in as it’s the easiest way to get your child into exploring literature.
Writing a Short Story
Story writing can be exciting for a child. It gives them a project to take ownership of and gives them the power to create their own narrative. As a task, you could set your child on the challenge of writing a short sequel or ending to a novel that they’re reading. This will help them to stretch their imagination and give them something engaging to write.
Get Your Child to Journal
Journaling provides a way of getting your child to write every day and can help with their mental health by providing an outlet for difficult emotions.
Writing to Their Hero
Knowing how to write a letter can serve your child well later on in life by teaching them the essentials for formatting and structuring one. The way to secretly get your child to do work without knowing it is to disguise it as an opportunity to write to one of their heroes. This could be a fictional character or a celebrity of their choice. Details that they include might be what their next move should be or what they admire about them.