Newborn Babies, New Parents: The Basics of Caring for Your Newborn Child*
Taking care of an infant is quite demanding. Constantly watching them and attending to their needs can be overwhelming and tiring. First-time parents are mostly clueless about how to handle a baby and often muddle through infant care. Tips from seasoned parents and baby experts will help you take care of your child.
Make doctor appointments
Infants require the expertise of a doctor to check on their growth and attend to them when they get sick. There are pediatric doctors in Lehi, Utah say who say that parents often book appointments, but many new parents need to know the proper time and schedule. Pediatricians are specially trained in children’s health and can recognize and treat childhood illnesses promptly. Getting a pediatrician for your child is essential because of this specialized knowledge and skill set. In addition, they perform physical exams on the baby, vaccinate them, and ensure they hit various growth milestones. Pediatricians are best equipped to diagnose your child’s illnesses and prescribe treatments. They also give special care and monitor children born with abnormal conditions and illnesses such as disorders and heart conditions.
Know proper hygiene
Babies often have an immune system that is in the early stages of development. They should be brought up in a clean environment that is free from microorganisms or pathogens that cause diseases such as flu. Cleaning and disinfecting your hands before handling a baby should thus be observed.
Keeping your house clean is essential in maintaining your baby’s health. Dirty surfaces act as breeding grounds for pests and microorganisms. Infants love to put things into their mouths especially toys. Cleaning toys with disinfectant and rinsing them thoroughly makes them safe for a child to play with.
Bathing your baby keeps him or her clean and tidy. However, it should not be done to the extent that it harms your baby’s sensitive skin. Mild soap should be used when washing a baby and its clothes to avoid damaging its sensitive skin. In addition, the baby should always be well-groomed. The ears, nose, and eyes should be cleaned using a damp cloth and nails well-trimmed. Dirty nails are a source of germs that can enter a baby’s body when they suck on their fingers. Keeping sharp and long fingernails can also cause babies to scratch and hurt their bodies.
Lastly, changing your baby’s diapers regularly followed by wiping their bottom with diaper wipes is necessary to enhance their hygiene.
Handling the baby
Having the knowledge of how to handle a baby is important especially due to their fragility. For example, shaking a baby is discouraged. Shaking a baby causes the head to toss back and forth. The soft brain bounces inside the skull and can cause brain bleeding, blindness, and even death. Gently tickling your baby’s foot is a better method of waking him up instead of shaking it.
Moreover, a baby should always be protected from falling as this could lead to severe injuries or death. Purchasing a car seat for your baby is essential when driving. Ensure that the baby is well fastened to the car seat, stroller or carrier to limit any activity that could be too rough or bouncy. Finally, the baby’s head and neck should always be supported when holding or carrying it.
Care should be exercised when handling a baby to promote the baby’s health and growth. Young parents should consider attending parenting classes to be trained on how to cater to their newborns.