5 Ways to Make Your Dating Profile Stand Out This Year*
With the prospect of lockdown coming to and end in a matter of weeks, and being fully over by the summer, a lot of singletons are looking at how to go about meeting someone new. Lockdown has been long and lonely for a lot of people, so it’s no wonder those who are single really are ready to mingle!
In this day and age, the best (and easiest) way to meet someone new is through online dating sites, specifically local dating sites, but lets face it, it’s a complete mine field. I know first hand how disappointing and even scary the world of online dating can be. However, it’s not all doom and gloom, it can be excited and can help you connect with someone you wouldn’t normally give a chance to while blind drunk in a nightclub (who hasn’t met a partner this way!?) I still stand by the fact that local dating sites are the way forward, they’re so easy to find online, for example a Hampshire Dating Site. Should that be your area, but I can assure you there are loads out there.
For me, one of the hardest parts is putting together than online dating profile. I’m not the best at shouting about myself and I do believe in my past adventures into swipe left, swipe right, I’ve let myself down because of my lack lustre profile.
So today I’m sharing 5 ways to make your dating profile stand out this year;
Be Honest
The people out there who are genuinely after a relationship (not those simply wanting a hook up) want you to be honest about yourself. Of course it’s hard to get a real picture of someone until you meet them, but it’s honestly not worth lying about stuff you know they’re going to find out about. Thankfully if you’re using a local dating site such as Hampshire Dating, you will meet and probably soon. When I meet someone from a dating website in person, I memorise all the important details, mainly so I have something to talk about other than myself! Finding out someone has lied from the word go can be a huge put off, so just don’t do it!
Add Some Conversation Starters
Although lying is a big no no, do try to write something interesting that will intrigue the person reading about you. The kind of thing that will make them want to message you and ask about it. This can be a useless fact, something about your job, or even a hidden talent you have. Ask your friends if you can’t think of anything.
Don’t Be Negative
Yes, everyone has negative things about them because no one is perfect. But don’t put them out there for potential partners to see straight away. Be up beat and talk about the good things. Talk about what you do like and does attract you. I’ve seen some horrible profiles where it’s been filled with negative vibes and it has definitely put me off messaging.
Use Photos
I won’t ever message someone who only has one photo of themselves. I know this could be considered lame, but I want to see lots of photos which showcase all sides of a person. Likewise on mine, yes I do include those perfected selfies, but I also include a full length one, one taken by someone else, and one that includes the back of LM’s head. I don’t even pretend I don’t have a child and I want my photos to show that as it’s always the first thing someone looks at.
Be Real
The profiles I’m most drawn to are those that feel real and authentic. I’m not talking about people who use text speak. I’m talking about ones I can connect with. When it comes to online dating, the “plenty of fish in the sea” is actually true, you’ll find every kind of person out there. You have to make yourself desirable, and those genuine people out there aren’t just out for the best looking one, they’re out for the person they feel like they can mesh with. Put your best foot forward when putting together your dating profile.
If you feel like 2019 is your year, that you’re ready for love again, get signed up to those free dating websites and don’t sell yourself short! Everyone is deserving of love.