Home & Interiors

Things To Think About Before Getting Air Con at Home*

Once upon a time, air conditioning wasn’t something we ever seemed to need in this country. The summers were average at best, and we more needed the heating to keep our houses warm in the winter.. however I’d say the last five or six summers we have experienced extreme heat. Not for the whole of the summer, but for a good few weeks that see us all melting in our homes and unable to sleep. Now an air conditioner seems like a valid investment, especially if you have the money to spare. Places like Envirochill that specialise in air conditioning and refrigeration are growing every year, and with good reason, people are wanting to keep their homes as cool in the summer as they keep them warm in the winter!

Us Brits are as savvy when it comes to what air conditioning, or AC is all about, so here are a few things you need to think about before going ahead with the installation;

Size of the Room

The first thing to consider is if you have the space for one, and if so what size do you go for. A one that is too big and powerful for a small space can have dehumidification issues and could periodically turn off because it doesn’t have the right cooling capacity. Like wise, one that is too small for a large space will use more energy and cost you a lot of money in the long run. It’s important to speak to a specialist to properly decide on the right size and specifications for your home.

Noise Control

AC units are noisy. I’m sure of us can think of a holiday abroad where the AC unit as churned on all night and disrupted sleep. Many units still make a lot of noise, especially if you go cheap. Not only could this disturb your quality of life, but some are so loud they can disturb your neightbours too! Trying to choose one where the noise levels should be within 50dB.

Energy Efficiency

In this day and age we should all be trying to reduce our carbon footprint by using less power.. AC units are notorious for using a lot of power. Thankfully like with a lot of appliances, many AC units are much more environment friendly and greener. Like with your washing machine they will be rated on how energy efficient they are so you’ll be able to make an educated choice when buying one.


Like with anything when getting air conditioned fitted in your home, it’s always best to get a professional to do it, especially if it’s not something you have ever tried before. Unfortunately AC units have been known to cause fires if not fitted and maintained correctly so this needs to be a top priority when you go forward with it.

Price and Value

Finally, while you may find buying and fitting an AC unit is within your budget, be aware they can be costly to run. Ensure having one is financially viable for you home. You may even find having one adds value to your house if you ever decide to sell so it could also be a worthy investment.

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