Coping Out Of Headbanging Hangovers: Easy Tricks For Everyone*
We love to party hard, but not what comes the day after partying all night. Yes, you guessed that right- hangovers.
So, you had been binge drinking all night, and the next morning you feel an intense pain between your temples. You, probably, also feel a bit of nausea and tipsy, despite having a good night’s sleep.
Well, this is what exactly a hangover feels like. And, notably, the symptoms can vary from person to person.
Regardless of the intensity of these symptoms, you would effortlessly wish to cope up from them. Thankfully, we have something for you.
Keep reading to know more.
Say ‘No’ To Caffeine
Waking up a bit tipsy, you would surely cringe for a mug of hot coffee. However, it will only worsen your condition. Caffeine can increase the rate of dehydration, when your body is struggling already with a deficiency of bodily fluids.
However, if you still wish to quench your cravings, it is better to choose a decaf-coffee or tea, instead of your regular coffee. Tea usually has very low caffeine.
You can perhaps brew ginger tea with a splash of lemon to help relieve with nausea.
Take Your Medicines
There are several over-the-counter multivitamin supplements available in the market. However, you must ensure that you don’t consume pain-relievers like ibuprofen and aspirin. The common pain relievers can further magnify damage to your liver.
If you still need a painkiller to relieve from the growing pain between your temples, we suggest you look for other alternatives. For example, dihydromyricetin is medically proven to help prevent and cope from hangovers. It means you can consume the medicine either before or after partying hard.
Drink, Drink, And Drink
No, we don’t intend to tell you that you drink more alcohol. Absolutely not! Instead, you need to rehydrate your body. And for that, it is recommended to drink a lot of water.
You can also choose to have lemonades or thistle milk. The point is to replenish the body with lost nutrients and water as soon as possible. Another added benefit to drinking a lot of water is, it helps dilute blood alcohol and hence relieve from hangover.
Have An Early Night Sleep
Despite all the medication and supplements you take, you might still feel tired. This is one of the gravest symptoms of hangover. No matter how hard you try, you actually end up exhausting yourself.
Rather than pushing yourself through the day, it is better to take a short nap through the day. Or, if possible you should head back to your bed early. This should help your body to recover from all the stress and you’ll wake up relieved from a hangover.
Hangovers are as common as diarrhea, but what’s alarming is- if left untreated hangovers can cause serious damage to your body. There is no harm in binge drinking every once in a while, however, it shouldn’t come down to become a habit. At the same time, it is also important to cope up from it as soon as possible. The longer the alcohol stays in your body, the more damage it causes to your organs.