4 Motivating Reasons to Donate Blood and Organs*
With the world’s greed and indifference to the plight of others on an increase, you should be striving to go against the flow and setting an example of selflessness. Donating your organs and blood are one of the highest and purest forms of selflessness and love that humans can show. Donation of such things does much more than simply helping others. These acts of kindness change you as a person and also the ones around you. Being selfless and giving can also get you some unexpected advantages. Let’s have a look at some of the most motivating reasons why you should be donating blood and organs.
Save lives
There are close to 8 organs, in total, that you can donate. Thanks to the advancements in technology, science, and medicine you as a donor can save the lives of 8 people and make 75 lives better. You can donate up to 4 organs when you’re alive and still lead a healthy life, though a lot depends on your health and fitness. Saving a life is not a compulsion but it is the highest order of moral duty of every human being. No stress needs to be laid on how important every human life is. Every life saved is the victory of humanity.
Contribute to research
Donating to research is as noble as donating to save a life directly. When you donate to research you create an opportunity to find potential cures to some very lethal diseases affecting millions across the globe. Apart from regular organs, pregnant mothers are also donating cord blood after their delivery. If you’re wondering what conditions can be treated with cord blood stem cells then there is a list of deadly diseases like leukemia, lymphomas, inherited red cell abnormalities, and many more. Everything that you donate can be used in some very important research concerning health and medications.
Mental peace
Every time you donate to save a life or to make someone’s life better, you feel warmth and joy from the inside. You feel proud of yourself for doing the right thing and walking the path of selflessness. Not many things that you do can bring you the happiness and contentment that donating does. By helping others you are also helping yourself, in a way. If you donate an organ without which you are still living, the mental peace and harmony keep a lot of mental problems at bay. The positivity keeps things like stress well away from you.
Respect and Recognition
Whether you want it or not, your donation will hardly ever go unnoticed. Society will applaud you and respect you. You will be an inspirational figure to many. The recognition always comes with it. You would be setting an example for others to follow in your footsteps. Also, there would be times when you would need help and at that moment you would be surprised at how many people would be willing to go out of their way and help you.
Donating is truly a very noble and selfless act. Acts of kindness and bravery like these are crucial to make this world a better place.