Diagnose Your Spending with PayPlan*
You know the saying “money doesn’t buy you happiness“? Personally, I find it quite annoying and i’m sure the only people who actually believe this are the ones with thousands of pounds in the bank to spare. My parents used to tell me this when I was growing up and we had very little money, but as an adult I know they were only raise us not to be materialistic. They didn’t personally believe it but when you can’t even afford a car, what else do you tell your kids? Now I’m a grown up and I certainly don’t believe that money can’t buy happiness. Money can buy financial security and I’m fairly sure that is happiness as an adult.
Balancing money is really hard, more so when you’re a parent and you have someone depending on you to make their childhood to best ever. Yes, kids need your time more than your money, but I don’t care what anyone says, money helps. Especially when you live in a small town where it rains all the time. I really struggled this summer to feel like I was doing enough as LM’s mum but because we had two Disney trips booked I had to prioritise saving for those after paying the bills, and that’s all my life is, a juggling act of what’s most important.
I know I’m not alone in this after reaching out to others on my instagram. So many of us are tying ourselves in knots tying to live our very best lives and it’s so easy to slip into bad money habits. I know this first hand after having a rocky few years when LM was a baby, but there is help out there!
PayPlan is a great website that helps you diagnose your spending through a handy little quiz. It takes less than a minute to complete and this was my result;
At the moment, I have things under control, I just wish I had more money to control, but hey, who doesn’t?
However, if the quiz diagnoses you as not having your spending under control, as I mentioned above, you can get help. PayPlan has some great resources to help you take control of your spending pattern for the future. There is free debt advice including how to improve your credit score, join debt with a partner and if your debt is related to Universal Credit. It also has a section on managing your debt. Not only that but there is a whole section on debt solutions that can help you get yourself out of debt and start again. If I’m honest, I wish I’d known about this site a few years ago, maybe I could have decent credit score!
It’s never too late to take control of your debt and spending before it gets out of control. I know it can really affect mental health and has even been responsible for suicides. But PayPlan will help you get back on your feet with free debt advice.