5 Unusual Sports to Try in 2018*
Although February is nearly over (a week today and it’s the 1st March!) there is still time to keep to your resolution for 2018 of keeping fit. Lets face it, a lot of us made that for the coming year but it doesn’t need to be boring things like taking up running or going to the gym. Why not consider a more unusual sport? It’s never too late in your life to give something new a try, so here are 5 suggestions of sporting activities that you might not have considered taking up;
Indoor Cycling
Anyone can go riding on the roads (but be sure to research cycling laws before you start) and no, I don’t mean a bike in a gym or god forbid, spinning class. I’m talking about the velodrome! You know that exciting sport they do at the Olympics where they cycle around a track. It’s so exciting to watch and I bet it’s exciting to do. Not only that but it’ll help you get fit and increase your endurance. I imagine it gets the adrenaline pumping a lot faster than cycling around your home town!
Have you been watching the Winter Olympics? If so, this one is for you. Snowboarding! I once dated a guy who loved snowboarding and he used to go to an indoor run a few times a year to practice before a big trip abroad in the winter. It something you can get into in the UK as there are both outdoor and indoor facilities spread around the country. It takes a lot of practice and time spent perfecting your skills but you can do anything from racing to tricks if this is something you think would be up your street.
I didn’t even realise that the triathlon was something you could get into until my cousin started doing it! It’s a high endurance as you need to be able to conqueror more than one sport, swimming, cycling and running. If you’re looking for a challenge in 2018, this could be your ticket. Before starting you have to ensure you have the right equipment due to the nature of the sport, but don’t worry Simply Swim can completely kit you out for this.
Roller Derby
Ever since I watched Whip It! I have wanted to take up Roller Derby. What is Roller Derby? Well it’s a very competitive skating event where teams race around a rink trying to “jam” each other and score points. It can be high impact and you can get hurt but it looks so much fun. It’s still very much underground at the moment but if you can find somewhere with team openings it’s worth going to try. If you’re interested in getting involved you can take a look at the rules on UK Roller Derby Association website.
The town where I live is HUGE on rowing, so much so that both my parents and sister have competed. We have a huge stretch of river which is perfect for practising and a local rowing club that anyone can join. It takes a lot of upper body strength (which I have none of) and you must have no fear of the water as the little boats are tiny. Here every year they have a Trades Fours where local businesses have employees compete in four man boats. They dress up, have a barbecue and it’s always a lot of fun. However this is a really competitive sport that us Brits have always excelled at in the Olympics.
There are so many different kinds of sport out there that can help you meet new people and get fit that you don’t need to feel confined to the gym or an exercise video in your lounge. Get out there and try something new in 2018!