Unusual Things To Do In London*
If you’ve never visited London, you’re missing out. Perhaps you did visit, but you spent time doing standard ‘touristy’ things that pretty much everybody does. You need to branch out! The great thing about London is that it literally has something for everybody. There are so many diverse cultures to be found here, and you can feel like you’re in a completely different place depending on what part you’re in. If you want to come up with some unique things to do in London, then check out these ideas:
Go To Brick Lane Market
Everybody has heard of Camden market, because that’s pretty much where everybody goes. That doesn’t mean it isn’t great. It just means that there are more markets out there you could explore. Brick lane market is amazing, and has some seriously unique things you won’t find anywhere else. If you’re more of a foodie, then Borough market could be for you. Don’t just visit Camden because it’s the only one you’ve heard of.
Visit Some Great Bars And Restaurants
There are some amazing bars and restaurants in London. You could get drunk in a bathroom if you wanted! No, that doesn’t mean you should buy some cans and shut yourself into a cubicle. There’s actually a former lavatory that has been transformed into a great bar. You could also visit a shisha lounge London if you want somewhere you can really chill out.
The Sherlock Holmes Experience
Love Sherlock Holmes? Then this could be the experience for you! You’ll find this at the bottom of Madame Tussauds, where you can make your way along a candlelit hallway and explore the place Sherlock Holmes solves his crimes! It’s super creepy though, so be warned.
Visit London’s Creepiest Cemetery
Cemeteries aren’t usually where people choose to hangout. However, if you love creepy stuff, Highgate cemetery could be just the place you want to go. In this cemetery, there were actual dueling magicians, and even vampire hunters that used to roam around with wooden stakes! You won’t find them there now, but the atmosphere definitely has something supernatural about it.
Visit Platform 9 and 3 Quarters
Who wouldn’t want to visit platform 9 and 3 quarters? Whether you’re a fan of the Harry Potter films or books, just saying you’ve been here is lots of fun. Remember: it’s not real. If you run at the wall and smash your head, you will go to hospital, not Hogwarts.
Go To The Hunterian Museum
Another sort of creepy place to visit – this seems to be the theme of this post! Here you can learn all about the ‘man who changed surgery’ and see some pretty spooky things in the process.
Hopefully you’ve got a little inspiration from this post and you know what you’re going to be doing when you visit London. Make sure you live in the moment and have a great time – don’t worry about the tube either. It’s super easy to get used to. That being said, you can walk your way around if you buy a comfortable pair of shoes. It’ll make great exercise if you’re planning on indulging in some of the great restaurants over there!