4 Ways to Relive Your Holiday*
On Monday I’ll have been back from Florida for two weeks and already it feels like a lifetime ago. It’s funny how easily that happens with a holiday. Being away for 4 weeks really shows that it doesn’t matter how long you go for, you still have to come back to reality, usually with a pretty big bump.
So today I’m blogging about 5 ways you can relieve your holiday. Of course I don’t recommend doing all of these as soon as you get back as you may end up curled up on your bed sobbing that you aren’t back in the sunshine and everything sucks at home (I did this one morning when I got up and it was freezing cold haha). But I’m now starting to feel like I want to relieve it again, to enjoy the happy memories rather than dwelling on the fact I’m home. So here are ways you can do this;
Talk About It
Little Miss and I talk about our adventures all the time. She’ll catch me off guard (usually at bedtime) and say “Mummy do you remember at Big Disney when…” and then go on to tell me something that had happened. Sometimes I get choked up, othertimes we have a full conversation about that day. There are also members of my family who want to hear about what we all did while away, and lets not forget about social media! I’m not sure what I’d do without Little Miss’ Instagram account to post photos on every day, I usually always end up having a conversation about what is happening in the photo with someone. It’s a great way to relive the magic daily.
Get Your Photos Printed
I’m a very visual person and I love taking photos then uploading them to Facebook to share with my family. However I’m still rather old fashioned and I love to also have a photo album filled with my favourites. I’m terrible and so far I only have the photos from our first WDW trip and first DLP trip printed as well as the ones from my North East USA tour trip printed. This is mainly bevause I don’t have the time to upload and edit them on a website such as Snapfish or Photobox (however I do really recommend them both especially for photo gifts).
Re-create Your Favourite Holiday Dish
For me, food is a huge part of the trip and I honestly cannot wait for our October WDW trip when we have a table service dining plan so we can eat well every day. So why not have a go at recreating a favourite dish from your holiday? I’ve done this in the past by making American pancakes and bacon and last week I made mac & cheese however I was really disappointed that it was nothing like the stuff you get in the States.
Book Another Trip
They always say the best way to get over a man is to get under another (sorry, I couldn’t resist) and I’m 100% positive this is the same way with holidays. Today I sat and priced a small break to Disneyland Paris for us in August and even though I didn’t have the funds to book anything it felt good to just look for one. If you do have the money and you are suffering from the holiday blues get yourself online and get something else booked, after all “the world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.” And if you’re planning on booking to go to Walt Disney World anytime soon, free dining starts this week!