Walt Disney World – Birthday Bucket List
This year I get to spend my birthday in Walt Disney World and I couldn’t be more excited about it. It’s a complete dream come true and something I have wanted to do since I was a small child! As I mentioned last month in my birthday wishlist post, I wanted to do a bucket list of all the things I’d like to do on my birthday. Usually while at a Disney park I do all the things that will keep LM happy. She’s the one meeting the characters, we eat where she will be happiest and go on the rides she enjoys. Occasionally one of my friends will have her for an hour so I’m able to go on any rides she’s not tall enough for, but even that’s rare. I’m so torn between making my whole birthday about me, doing what I want and meeting the characters for once.. and feeling so incredibly guilty for taking up one of LM’s days at Disney. After all, the trip is for her! Still, I figured a birthday bucket list would make an interesting read and it will be nice to go back and check off what I managed to accomplish on the day. Lets face it, I’m so awkward and indecisive I’ll probably let LM take the lead anyway!
Eat beignets for breakfast
We’re staying with a friend in French Quarter over my birthday and you’re able to get beignets from the food court. I love beignets, New Orleans food is one of my favourite so I’d feel like I was starting the day right with three of them washed down with a rather large coffee (which is most needed to hit up MK at rope drop).
Get a WDW birthday button
A given really.
Go hug Alice, Peter Pan, Tiana, Ariel, Rapunzel and Cinderella
I never get to go hug characters, Little Miss does that and I stand awkwardly. I really struggle with face to face conversations even with friends so character meets really intimidate me. However, I really want to go hug some of my favourites which include Alice, Tiana, Ariel, Rapunzel, Cinderella and of course Peter Pan. Peter Pan is the hardest because he hates hugging adults but I have an Wendy Disney bound to wear and I’m going to do my best to attempt a conversation with him. I’m going to be with adults who love to meet characters so hopefully they can coax me into going forward instead of hiding behind my four year old. Wish me luck! I have fastpasses for Cinderella, Rapunzel and Ariel for that day so those meets will definitely be happening.
Watch Dream Along with Mickey
I knew before it was even announced that this trip would be my last chance to watch Dream Along with Mickey. Peter Pan and Wendy in it are everything, and I always cry when Mickey says to Minnie “you’ve always been a princess to me” so I’m trying to watch it a few times every time I’m in Magic Kingdom and that includes on my birthday. I’ve ridden pretty much all the rides multiple times so I would love nothing more to kick back in front of the castle with a large passion tea lemonade and watching my favourite show on property.
Have my picture taken in front of the castle
As I’m getting older I’m getting worse about getting my photo taken. So much so I didn’t have it taken at all in Disneyland Paris. I do and I don’t regret this because looking at the photos just upsets me because I’m really not pretty. I know as I get older I should feel more comfortable in my own skin, but I swear I’m getting worse. However, I really want a nice photo in front of the castle on my birthday so I can really say “I was there!”
Eat mac & cheese for lunch
WDW mac & cheese is possibly my favourite on property. There is just something about it, and I really do feel like I’m in a relationship with cheese as it’s that big a part of my life. On my birthday I specifically want mac & cheese from The Friars Nook as it’s topped with bacon. There is no better birthday lunch to me. Then I could go sit on the hub grass and eat it.
Watch Festival of Fantasy
This goes hand in hand with Dream Along, however the parade is no where near to being retired. I just want to sit with my friends and watch the parade, it’s one of my favourite things to do in Magic Kingdom so of course I’d do it on my birthday.
Meet the main mouse
What would a birthday at WDW be without going to see Mickey Mouse? My 3rd FP for Magic Kingdom is booked for just after FoF and it’s to go meet Mickey. I’m both nervous and excited for this as Mickey talks and I don’t know how much that’s going to add to my awkwardness. Little Miss is both in awe and terrified of him and i’m pretty sure I’m going to be exactly the same. I actually haven’t hugged Mickey in WDW since I was a little kid, I should probably change that.
After meeting Mickey Mouse, the plan is to head over to Hollywood Studios for the evening. Although I don’t feel there is much there for LM anymore, there is plenty for me including the fact that, unlike MK where the only place you can buy alcohol on property is Be Our Guest, you can buy it at counters in HS. And it wouldn’t be my birthday without some alcohol!
Meet Kylo Ren
I’m 89% sure LM will not meet Kylo Ren. She’s watched the videos and she’s claimed she will but I just think it’ll be too intense for. On the other hand, this is the one meet I feel I will be best at because the whole point is to either back chat or be terrified. I think I’ll be terrified, but for me, that’s the point. Kylo Ren is supposed to be intimidating. I just hope by the afternoon the queue isn’t too long.
Ride Star Tours
Little Miss SHOULD be tall enough to ride this, the height limit is 40 inches. But I will have people with me to watch her if not. I did this on my trip last April and I LOVED what they have done to it since I visited as a kid. It’s now in 3D and so much fun. It’s possibly one of my favourite rides in the whole resort, so of COURSE i’m going to ride it on my birthday. I think it’s the only ride I want to do that day so that’s really saying something.
Watch Voyage of the Little Mermaid
Yes, I admit it’s really outdated, but to this day it’s one of my favourite things in Hollywood Studios and LM really enjoys it too. Plus, if Florida happens to warm up (it’s really cool at the moment, I’m even packing tights!) it’s great for air con.
Have a cocktails
It’s my birthday and I can drink if I want to? Obviously I won’t be getting in my usual birthday state especially at over $10 a cocktail but I will be having at least one and I’m aiming to make it a good one. I’m not sure I’ll be able to have cake but I will be at least having an alcoholic drink.
Watch Fantasmic
When I was planning what I wanted to do for my birthday, the number one thing was watch Fantasmic. It has always been my favourite night time show and I love everything about it. The music just needs to start and I’m completely overwhelmed and emotional. Little Miss loves it too and we literally just sit and hug the whole way through it. I’m getting emotional just thinking about it. If I’m spending my birthday in Disney World, this is the one thing I have to do for it to feel really complete. Maybe if MK still have Spectro Magic that would win out, but since it’s the Main Street Electric Parade, Fantasmic is my number one choice for what to do in an evening. I know seeing it on my birthday will make it feel even more special.
Watch Symphony in the Stars
Ending my birthday to fireworks timed to the Star Wars score? YES PLEASE! I’m so glad this isn’t just for the now extinct Star Wars Weekends and although the new and even better show doesn’t start until after I leave, this will be enough for me. I cannot think of a better way to end my day that crying as I watch the sky light up with the fireworks. Hopefully I’ll be surrounded by some good friends, but if not, I’ll have Little Miss with me and there is nothing that makes every day a perfect day than her.

This was so cute to read, I’m beyond excited for you! Definitely agree on the whole mac and cheese thing, when I went last September it was all I tried to track down haha! And that selfie is adorable, you don’t need to have confidence issues at all. I know its easy to say but just be an badass b***h and own those photos girl! 🙂
Sounds like you have an amazing day planned. …….so adults are allowed to hug the characters?? I was uner the impression it was frowned upon? (I only ask as we are looking at going to WDW and I think I am more excited than the 9 year old?)