My Guide to a Stress Free Trip with Your Kids!*
All parents dream of taking a stress free trip with their kids, but it doesn’t always happen this way. Kids can be a handful. One minute they are having the time of their lives, the next they’re screaming and crying because something hasn’t gone their way. You might have the most well behaved children in the world, but travelling with them can still be stressful. I hope you find my guide to a stress free trip with your kids useful!
Take Lots of Distractions for Them
Kids get bored really easily, so the best thing you can do is take lots of distractions for them. They can be used while you’re travelling and if you plan on going anywhere they might get bored, like the beach. Take a selection so they have lots of choice. You can take books, games consoles, and even physical toys if you have enough room in your bag. You don’t want to end up carrying too much, but you want them to have enough to keep them content.
Consider Snacks and Drinks
Snacks and drinks are essential for keeping your kid’s energy up while you travel, whether you’re in the car or on a plane. Make sure the snacks are healthy, as junk food could make them even more irritable. It’s a good idea to give them a food that might make them sleepy for the duration of the travel if you’re worried about them getting restless!
Pick Somewhere Child Friendly
Wherever you go, make sure it’s a child friendly place. If you take them somewhere more suited to adults, you’re not going to end up spending much quality time together. You’ll probably spend the whole time trying to entertain them, and that’s no fun! It all depends on their age, but you’ll need to do lots of research to make sure you get it right!
Try to Keep a Bit of a Routine
Kids thrive in a routine, so try to keep it as much as you can while you’re away. When everything is all over the place, like bed and meal times, they’ll probably play up more. This isn’t what you want when you’re trying to relax in French luxury living quarters!
Be Prepared to Take Breaks
If you’re travelling in a car, you need to be prepared to take breaks. Factor this into the time it takes you to get to where you’re going. Toilet stops and stops to stretch your legs are very important!
Dress Them in Simple Layers
Dressing your kids in simple layers will mean you can ensure they are the perfect temperature. It’ll also help you to get them to the toilet on time on the plane.
Know What You Can Take Through Security
If you’re going through an airport, know exactly what you can take through security so you don’t get slowed down. Also, make sure your child hasn’t packed anything in their bag without you knowing!
Use my tips and you should find you reduce your stress levels immensely while travelling with your kids. Good luck!