Walt Disney World Countdown… 60 Days to Go
My blog has been on hiatus but since the one thing that has kept me going over the last week is thinking and talking about Disney all. the. time, I couldn’t let today go by without doing a Disney Countdown Update. Today is the 60 day mark until our Walt Disney World holiday, and tomorrow it’ll be two months until we go! Two months today we’ll be travelling to the airport and staying over night as we have an early morning flight. Friday is my Grandfather’s funeral but I know what will get me through it is the fact I’ll be able to tell people it’s less than two months until we go.. LESS THAN TWO MONTHS! So of course, planning for both myself and Bee is in full swing and it’s definitely what Little Miss and I talk about most throughout the day.
As I’m not staying on site the first couple of days as I needed to be able to get to Universal Studios easily, the 60 day mark for booking Fast Pass isn’t until Saturday. Fast Pass opens for the 60 day mark at 5am, so you can guarantee that’s when I’m going to be booking them. Once that’s done it’ll be the last big thing aside from packing I have to do! All the transfers, transport, insurance, visas are now all booked. Every time I’ve got a little bit in my paypal from eBay this month I’ve paid something else off. Now it’s simply full steam ahead on the savings side of it. LM has $300 thanks to her birthday which will be her spending money when we go.
Next week LM and I are going away for the day to see Big Hero 6 as her delayed birthday get away. I’m also planning hitting Primark and H&M for our last bits and pieces. I need some seamless pants, a couple of nude bras, crop leggings and Little Miss needs a couple of light coloured cardigans in case it’s cool in the evening. Hopefully if I can get everything the next step will be packing. I have a lot lying in the case just so nothing gets misplaced and I was panicking about the weight, but on weighing the current contents I was still 8KG under so at least that’s another weight off my mind.
A few weeks back I went to visit Bee for the weekend and I talked about Disney a lot, she didn’t really want to plan too much as she’s definitely a fly by the seat of her pants kinda gal however this week she’s really got into planning and it’s made me even more excited (if that’s even possible). She even found some up to date maps and sent them over. I of course printed them out and added them to my ever growing planning file which I’m hoping to share with you next week once I update about the fast passes so for today I’ll leave it there! My next count down update will be at 30 days which does feel like ages but due to the busy few weeks I have planned I just know it’s going to sneak up on mw.

I almost cried looking at Olivia in this, shes stunning. I’m so excited for you both! Thinking of you both, can’t wait till I see you
Charlene Moore (@tartanmouth)
Ahhh, it’s SO exciting that it’s almost less than two months to go! I have been having Walt Disney World withdrawal symptoms over the past month so I can’t even begin to say how jealous I am that you’re going so soon!
p.s. Little Miss looks absolutely adorable as Snow White – what a beautiful wee girl.
so excited for you and your fastpass planning! you’ll have to let me know what you end up getting which days so we can figure out a day to meet up with you guys! yay!!!!
Samsam Cherie
How exciting! I haven’t been to Disney World since I was 11 but it sounds like you’re going to have a fantastic time! Two months to go!
~ Samantha
Rebecca Hamilton
I’ve never been to Disney world but myself and my boyfriend are heading there April 18th! So excited. 🙂