#ChristmasJumperDay 2014
Today is Christmas Jumper Day! Last year Little Miss and I took part, so obviously when I saw matching sweaters in Asda that included a fair donation to Save The Children I knew what we would be wearing. If you are donning your festive sweater today, don’t forget to text JUMPER to 70050 to make your £2 donation. Save the Children is such a wonderful charity that helps children not just living in poverty around the world, but also here, right on our doorstep.
I’m completely out of the swing of taking outfit posts. They’re just not top of my priority at the moment what with the bad weather meaning unflattering indoor shots. Usually I take the photos in the kitchen as it’s where I get the best light, but atm I have some bedding drying in my standing spot and since it’s a festive outfit today I thought it would be nice to do photos in front of the tree. My lounge actually gets the worst light in the whole house but we’ve done the best we can. I say “we” as obviously Little Miss had to have her outfit photographed too!
Little Miss Wears
Christmas Jumper £8, Asda
Little Bird Blouse £8, Mothercare
Leggings £3, Next
Christmas Jumper £8, Asda
Little Bird Blouse £8, Mothercare
Leggings £3, Next
I’m Wearing
Christmas Jumper £12, Asda
Christmas Jumper £12, Asda
Poppy Lux Dress* Sugarhill c/o etailPR
Black Tights £2.99, Primark
Gingerbread Man Necklace* £4.50, Funky Laser
Black Tights £2.99, Primark
Gingerbread Man Necklace* £4.50, Funky Laser
The jumpers are from George at Asda and mine is actually a mens. It’s a size xs but it’s still huge on me which teamed with a smock dress isn’t exactly flattering but for me, the winter is all about comfort. Although I’m wrinkling my nose a these photos, thinking how awful I look, in reality I don’t look too bad, I’ve just forgotten how to use a camera. And smile without looking like a dork. ANYWAY… I’ve teamed Little Miss’ with a blouse with a peter pan collar to make it look more girly and leggings as we’re off to see Santa Claus tonight and it’s going to be cold. She loved matching mummy today and chose to wear the little reindeer hairband! I’ve teamed mine with my green Poppy Lux dress as a) it’s comfortable and b) it’s in the ultimate Christmas colour, green! I know red and green should never be seen but a red sweater and a green dress/skirt is the ultimate Christmas combo in my mind. LM also made me wear an elf had when I took my jumper off to share with you all how pretty this dress is. Again, I think I’ve chosen it in a size slightly too large so it’s baggy around the arms and bust, but I won’t lie, I like it better that way! I finished off my outfit with a cute little gingerbread necklace that I reviewed a few months back for Funky Laser. Although it’s not really my style at the moment as I tend to lean more towards the vintage and antique style pieces that have more of a back story but I do like the simplicity of wearing Mr Gingerbread man with the festive patterns that go with Christmas wear.
I’m not sure when I’m going to be doing another outfit post, I’m suffering from really low self esteem at the moment and haven’t even bothered wearing make up or brushing my hair for a while. I can’t remember the last time I dyed my hair. Even looking at these photos makes me feel really teary, my selfie game is so off. I’m hoping in the New Year I’ll have more motivation to “fix” myself but right now hibernating seems like a good plan. Does anyone else feel like this in the winter?
Are you taking part in Christmas Jumper Day this year?

Mary Lucas
Ahh lovely! Gorgeous outfits 🙂
Mary Lucas
Also, you look beautiful, hope your self esteem gets boosted a bit soon because I adore your outfit posts. Big hugs xx
Leona of Oh! Leona.
Any, you’ve got to think about us when you post pictures like this. How are we supposed to deal with THIS MUCH CUTE IN ONE POST? You just look so adorable together! Xx
Sarah Winder
Aww I love you have matching jumpers! thats so cute
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