Things I Hate About Being a “Grown Up”*
Technically, I have been officially and adult for almost 9 years, however I don’t include the time I was at university, or the time I lived with my two of my best friends before falling pregnant. As during those years I was completely reckless and made very childish decisions. Ahh, those were good years. Anyway, I’ve mentioned a few times in regards to my lack of blogging that I’ve been feeling “blue” since returning from America. And I have realised a lot of the things that make me miserable are the day to day things that all adults have to deal with. It’s just a fact of life but it doesn’t make them any less sucky! So today I have decided to share a post with you about all my least favourite things about being grown up.
Money Goes in, Money Comes Out (and other budgeting woes)
Everytime pay day rolls around I seem a million status from other “adults” on various social media along the lines of “money goes in, money comes out” because when you have your own home to maintain we all make sure our direct debits come out after pay day. But lets face it, it’s SO TRAGIC! One minute you’re rolling in cash, your bank account is happy, you’re happy.. you can finally have that shopping spree you’ve been dreaming of for the last three weeks.. then BAM it’s gone again in the blink of an eye. Making ends meet and keeping your sanity is HARD these days. My mum says it’s like a million times harder than when she was young. Although I don’t have the job that requires me getting dressed and working 50 odd hours a week (yes, I have done it, I worked my butt off from 16 and right through uni) but I do still have to do work to ensure my daughter has the best. I have to work once she’s in bed after 7pm. Or if I get a spare moment during the day inbetween keeping a house and looking after a toddler. I still work hard for anything I get and when it all goes on bills and food and into savings, that I have left is depressing. I miss the days where I could go to Topshop and blow hundreds of pounds on the latest fashions. But guess what? That isn’t on the cards these days, and to be honest.. as miserable as it makes me at times, I just have to give myself a good kick as a reminder I’d take having my own place over a fashionable wardrobe any day!
Responsibility & Sensibility
I guess this goes hand in hand with the fact that I can no longer spend a fortune on clothes (9/10ths of my wardrobe is Primark/eBay/Depop as I cannot warrant spending much on myself). On occasions I miss not having to consider everything else in my life before making a decision. I do sometimes miss being reckless and selfish.. because if we’re all honest with ourselves, sometimes those crazy schemes end up being a whole lot of fun. If I had my way I’d run around the country to every convention cosplaying all the Disney Princesses like I did for LFCC back in July. But I can’t because that’s money I don’t need to spend. Yes I sometimes miss going out dancing with the girls and spending all day in bed watching Disney movies with a hang over. I miss having take out for dinner when I’m too lazy to cook and I REALLY miss just getting on a train when I’ve had a bad day and running off to my best friends for a week. Sometimes it sucks so much that I always have to do the sensible thing, that I have so much responsibility as a single mother.. but once again, I have to think of how much I’d hate the alternative, and then it stops me hating the responsibility so much.. well 99.9% of the time anyway.
How Time Flies

The bills are definitely a downside of adulthood, but at the same time, you now it’s good to think they are MY bills. My house. My things. You know?
Completely agree with all of this. It’s tough when you reach the age where you really do have to go from being a child to an adult, but I’m sure (fingers crossed) that in a couple of years we’ll have the knack of it x
Hayley Warren
I hate how much money I have to spend each month on paying my bloody debts off!
Rhiannon Fraser
Bills, most definitely them. Learning to save money is a big problem too as there’s always something that wants doing it x