Outfit of the Day – That Smile I Lost, Well I’ve Found Somehow
I have been so lax on the outfit front so when my beautiful Blue Vanilla skirt arrived I just knew I had to make an effort to blog about it. So today was a bit sunny and a bit rainy but I thought, what the heck? I have an umbrella. So out I went. Only to my back garden though…
Intergalactic Starlight Crown £10, Crown & Glory
Miss Selfridge Leather Jacket (as seen here), Vinted
Black Basic Top (ancient, similar here), H&M
Live & Love Necklaces £4 each, Charmed Ivy
Umbrella (belongs to my mum)
Giovana Double Layer Skirt* £24, Blue Vanilla
Trasparenze Gennifer Merino Wool Tights* £11.99, UKTights
Boots (gifted by Hayley), New Look
Giovana Double Layer Skirt* £24, Blue Vanilla
Trasparenze Gennifer Merino Wool Tights* £11.99, UKTights
Boots (gifted by Hayley), New Look
I love Autumn fashion, mainly because I can be fully covered up. This outfit seemed too black and white for my usual standards (although monochrome really sets off my hair) so I added some purple tights that were kindly gifted to me by UKTights (I have a review coming soon, so watch out for it!) The skirt is absolutely beautiful, I have really fallen for everything available on Blue Vanilla, they’re a relatively new online shop on the fashion circuit but they have some really great bits and even greater prices! I can’t wait to see what they bring out in the terms of Christmas party wear! Of course, I accessorised with one of my favourite bits I received while I was part of the Crown & Glory Glitterati, it’s the first hairband in this style that actually stays on my head and doesn’t ping off!
The necklaces are so incredibly special in relation to this time in my life. I bought them earlier this week from Charmed Ivy with a discount code I had for being featured in their newsletter last month. Originally I was only going to go for “live your dream” but then I decided on purchasing “believe in love” because this is something I have been really working on lately. Over the summer I allowed myself to become distant from all guys who seemed interested in me.. I make there sound like there are loads, which there aren’t. I became some jaded and cold towards the possibility of ever loving again. But after talking it through with my councilor, I’m trying to open up again.. This whole story warrants a post of it’s own that I hope I’ll get to one day! These necklaces are hopefully going to serve as a reminder that I shouldn’t give up..
Anyway, I think I’ve talked enough.
What is your favourite thing about autumn fashion?

I am in love with that skirt, and the headband is perfect! x
Jamie-Lee GlitterInfatuation
That skirt is absolutely stunning! x
Glitter Infatuation – Bloglovin
Ah that skirt is gorgeous! So pretty!
UK Tights
Thanks for using our tights!
Lovely outfit and very practical for this uncertain weather, where the Autumn must-haves are some cosy leg wear and an umbrella! The girls at UK Tights have love your skirt,too and I have loved the necklaces.
Thanks again. X
OH THAT SKIRT – I want one, it’s soooo pretty!!