Hot Topic Haul September 2014
I’m kinda going through a bit of a rough patch at the moment which makes me sort of shy away from my blog. When I come out the other end I may even write about it.. That’s what I usually do anyway. You may have to bare with me and my sporadic uninteresting posts for a wee while until I get my head straight.
So this evening, because I have nothing better to do, I’m sharing my Hot Topic haul with you all. No this isn’t what I bought while out in the US back in August, this is the one and only (but I’ll get to that) order i’m having shipped to the UK.
If you don’t know about Hot Topic, you’re clearly you’ve never fangirled over anything. Hot Topic is the ultimate home of pretty much all fandom merchandise. Not only that, it’s amazingly priced. The one down side? Shipping to the UK is expensive. Saying that, a few weeks ago they were offering half price shipping so Bee, Kariss and I placed a mammoth order between all three of us. The shipping was then only just under $43 about £27, divided by 3 making it £9 each, or so we thought. So I ordered it on the 15th and it arrived probably about 2 weeks later. I divided everything up and it’s awaiting Bee & Kariss to come visit me to collect. But in the mean time, here is what I bought;

Storybook Scarf $14.50 (no longer stocked)
Ravenclaw Over Knee Socks $9.50
Kiss the Girl Necklace $10.50 (no longer stocked)
Rapunzel Hobo Bag $19.50
Ravenclaw Over Knee Socks $9.50
Kiss the Girl Necklace $10.50 (no longer stocked)
Rapunzel Hobo Bag $19.50
Ariel Nautical Dress $39.50
Tangled Silhouette Dress $34.50
Watercolour Floral Dress $11.99 (no longer stocked)
Watercolour Floral Dress $11.99 (no longer stocked)
As well as these bits I also ordered some gifts which I haven’t posted on here. But on the whole I was very impressed with my order. At the time we ordered not only were we getting half price international shipping but it was 30% off site wide. That’s another thing I adore about Hot Topic, they ALWAYS have fab offers online and instore. When I visited a store in Maryland it was buy one get another half off! I’m hoping while in Florida I can go to a store during a promotional period because their Disney range for adults is what draws me.. and as you can see 5/7 of the items I ordered were Disney.
All three of the dresses are for my trip next year. Aside from the dresses I’m lucky enough to have made for me by Bee (Christmas and Birthday presents, woo!) I think I now have all the clothes I need, and the same goes for Little Miss. I love how both the Disney dresses are Disney, without being too in your face about it. The other dress is just one to throw on over swimwear but I could hardly pass it up at $8.50 after the discount! The Rapunzel bag was for use now but when it arrived and it was so much bigger than expected I’m saving that for my holiday too. It’ll fit all the vitals in for visiting the parks.
So even though I appear to love everything I bought, and the prices were incredibly good.. why won’t I be ordering again? That probably has something to do with the crazy custom chargers that we had to pay. I’m not even kidding.. when the letter arrived I didn’t know whether to cry, be sick or pass out. We’re talking triple digits here. I would never recommend ordering from the UK to Hot Topic and I know none of us have plans of doing it again after forking out for customs on top of everything else. No matter how wonderful everything looks, no matter how much I pine over the Little Mermaid Slipper Boots or the Snow Queen Dress.. I have been burned so badly that I’ll not even be tempted to order again unless I’m going stateside to pick up my parcel. Hot Topic, I love you.. but the custom charges that go along with your orders are not the one.
Have you ever been lucky enough to shop in Hot Topic? If so, what did you get?

Bel Smith
Mean, so mean! 😛
Oh that’s such a shame – I adore Disney clothing! (The Snow Queen Dress that you linked is fabulous!)
Thank you for the warning though!
Beth x
P.s. I hope things pick up for you soon x